on: 16 Jan 2012 [08:09]
updated: 16 Jan 2012 [08:10]
Hello all. There's a subject raised in the Russian forum of increasing the number of member slots per order. I would like the English speaking players to join the discussion also. Give your opinions, please. If in trouble with Russian, send your intended posts to me in-game and I'll work them into Russian. The matter is a really important one.

I personally am strongly against this idea; I think it's the attempted onset of the crowdism on Outremer - let's save Outremer from the crowdism!
on: 16 Jan 2012 [19:46]
I also like the idea of small size Orders. It obliges players/Order Masters to allow more diplomacy and obliges players who want to be kept in the Order to be active enough if they don't want to be kicked out and replaced!(:s1:)
on: 17 Jan 2012 [19:39]
updated: 17 Jan 2012 [19:40]
20 is optimal number. There were multiply voices for reducing the number of ordermembership slots on so called "old servers" long time ago. Finally developers realized that it's more profitable to satisfy those pleas (:s17:) ,but unfortunately only on new servers(

Anyways Order is a fighting squad, not a flock of sheep.
on: 18 Jan 2012 [08:17]
Quote Karloc:
It obliges players/Order Masters to allow more diplomacy and obliges players who want to be kept in the Order to be active enough if they don't want to be kicked out and replaced!

Quote Stratiotis88:
Anyways Order is a fighting squad, not a flock of sheep.
