on: 06 Jan 2012 [02:31]
My main hero, the one i started the game with, all of the sudden became a rental (paid) hero!(:s31:)
please tell me why it happened, how to undo this, pointing out he was not in reccent wars....
on: 06 Jan 2012 [04:35]
can you hire a free one in the tavern? Maybe you lost sub then got it back?
on: 06 Jan 2012 [11:57]
updated: 06 Jan 2012 [11:59]
no, did not hiere any new heros, and did not loose him in a battle.
yes i can hiere from tavern, but why original hero turned to a paid one????(:s28:)
this is my main hero, how did it happen?
one more question....
when you make a new city, you get offered a new hero! can't i change one of my paid hero to use this free slot instead of getting and extra un-needed hero?
happy new year(:s23:)
on: 06 Jan 2012 [13:44]
mikha, you get a free silver subscription upon acquiring your second city control point. A free silver subscription gives you an extra free hero when you activate it while the subscription is still active. As the subscription lasts for 2 weeks, after the subscription ends, your extra hero has a daily upkeep (3 to 5 gold, depending on the time/server).

I'd say you did not have any gold on your account the day your subscription ended. One of your heroes (the wrong one it seems) ended up "dead" as you could not pay for it.

How to solve that?

Well, if you don't mind losing the second hero you hired for free in the tavern while on your silver subscription, you can go in the tactical screen, select that hero and terminate it.(:s2:)
Then, wait for 15 minutes and you should be able to hire for free the hero of your choice, in the city of your choice, among the dead ones listed in the tavern...

Hope that helps!(:s10:)
on: 07 Jan 2012 [00:03]
thank you karloc;
happy new year.....
but this is not the situation!
i have gold subscription, did not run out of gold....
just suddenly my main hero i started the game with became a hiered hero with daily up keep!
on: 11 Sep 2024 [10:45]
It sounds like you've run into an issue where your main hero, the one you initially started with, has unexpectedly become a paid rental hero. This can happen due to changes in game mechanics or updates that introduce new rental systems. If your hero hasn't been active in recent wars, it's possible that inactivity led to this status change. To resolve this, check the game's latest patch notes or updates for any information on rental changes. You might also want to contact the essay writing service by linkedin choice game's support team for specific guidance on how to revert your hero to its original status.