on: 31 Dec 2011 [21:17]
updated: 31 Dec 2011 [21:22]
i noticed today around 10 new very high level heros went to auction. this is a terrible idea.(:s27:)

first off, they are all level 40, when most players are still competing to get a hero higher then level 25, (which was the last current highest.)

second, the price is just another way huge gold spenders like suntri, barmalej, etc. can get first on the leaderboards again.

personally, i would love to own one of these amazing heros and put my self in a rank, but a have nearly not enough gold to do it.
if you look at gold they cost its about 20$/euro and where i live its around 30.!

i would be okay with the heros going to auction, but at a lower level(:s27:)(:gold:)(:gold:)(:gold:)