on: 16 Dec 2011 [22:51]
question about outremer. can we capture captital and historic cities for our own? and if so will there be resistance and will it cost a mercenary camp points?(:s31:)
on: 16 Dec 2011 [23:19]
Hi TheCrusader

Yes, we can capture both capital and historic cities, but they cannot be renamed.
As you can always expect, there is definite resistance! The capital city will most likely have a lot more resistance, and you can see the "Force" in the valley menu for each capital... I expect this to be the attack power/amount of troops in that given capital, but don't quote me on this!(:s10:)

As far as I know, it doesn't cost a mercenary camp point for a city. But the historical cities do give you additional population/glory points depending on their icons.

(:s11:) (:s21:)
on: 17 Dec 2011 [00:25]
ok thanks, by "force" you mean the rating of the city?
on: 03 Jan 2012 [14:54]
Approximately, how much troops we need to capture some historic city?
on: 06 Jan 2012 [14:16]
ivan1000000, Some 5k swords, 2-5 legions, strong heroes.