on: 16 Nov 2011 [17:35]
updated: 23 Nov 2011 [18:02]
There is a call for the braves in the 36th Valley, a rich merchant from overseas has left his fertile lands and decided to return to his homeland.
He's left the contour, with many adventure Huts in it, with another contour inside filled with historic cities - Riga, Wenden and Segewold. The merchant also has another contour in 38th Valley, which is smaller, though has two historic cities as well - Reval and Goldingen.

People say those who find the contours, capture and build their forts, and on November 23 will be their owner - will receive a prize of 3,000 gold for each fort, and if they defend the histroic cities from enemies, they can keep these cities for their own.

However, if on November 23, the owner of the historic city is not the one whose forts are built on contours, then he keeps the city and it will be moved to any place he wants.
So start looking and be brave enough to come and conquer! We will cover the expenses for building the Fort and City relocation if needed (for the winner)!

WINNERS: 36th Valley - forts - yinka, Ingina, bugeman. Historical cities captured by - Ingina, ecky, Kiimikis.
In the 38th Valley - forts - YOZH, karmax, muminc. Historical cities were captured by - muminc, fyvm4y.

Owners of forts should write to the support specifying the value for the transfer of cities and building forts for a refund.
on: 17 Nov 2011 [12:34]