on: 12 Sep 2011 [12:38]
updated: 14 Jan 2013 [22:50]
Global Forum Rules
Global English Rules
Mute Thread
Current English Forum Moderators

Ok, on to the rules, in no particular order:

1: Threads in this section will be deleted if 5 days old from last post. If you don't want it deleted then before the 5th day comes around, post "bump". That should ensure that it stays safe from our deleting powers!

2: DON'T post any help threads or point out any bugs/problems in this section, that's what the help/support section was made for. Try to keep threads posted here Alpha world specific, so don't post threads like: what's your favorite type of pet, what do you do on your free time, and etc. please post things of that nature in the general chat sections of the forums. Do not post multiple threads of the same topic in this section.

3: This server is for testing only and as such there should be no game-play topics in this section. Any topics deemed such will be deleted.

4: There may be more, only time will tell...
on: 14 Jan 2013 [22:50]
Links updated. Tweaked the text.
Topic is closed!