on: 06 Sep 2011 [13:36]
Hi there.
After the new reset of today i loged on and I saw that again all the work that we did had been erased.
Thanks for the warning and to advise us regarding this.

on: 06 Sep 2011 [21:52]

ibizafree, it's a TEST server. Who cares if "all your VOLUNTARY work" was erased. You've given your time to test, regardless of what happens so stop moaning and do what the server needs: testing!

If you're always going to moan about things you should definitely stop playing on this server...
on: 07 Sep 2011 [01:05]
ibizafree leather up, man. No one wants to hear your wining. Keep it out of the forums. Isn't it embarrassing enough that the developers had to remove the "add city" mod tool because certain players (yourself included) abused it? And when confronted about having 150 cities your excuse was something like "If they didn't want me to use it why give it to me?" That is a child's excuse.

If you were involved in any sort of serious testing for Helltest you would be in one of the player/developer chats on Skype. The reset was announced in there yesterday so we all had advanced warning. If you want warning of the next reset I suggest you start contributing to the project and get involved in one of the chats. There are several of them. Get your crap together or get out of Helltest and leave it to those of us who have self-restraint and are here to make to a difference not to be an annoyance.
on: 07 Sep 2011 [01:16]
Quote Cathexis:
If you were involved in any sort of serious testing for Helltest you would be in one of the player/developer chats on Skype. The reset was announced in there yesterday so we all had advanced warning. If you want warning of the next reset I suggest you start contributing to the project and get involved in one of the chats. There are several of them. Get your crap together or get out of Helltest and leave it to those of us who have self-restraint and are here to make to a difference not to be an annoyance.

(:s4:) Now that is a piece of news for me. And how is a normal player (like myself) supposed to find his way to this elite-chat? (:s5:) I am playing the Helltest server in a serious way, I never even knew about the existence of such a chat. (:s28:)

Anyhow, I think the hate, the whining and the (:s6:) needs to stop, this is not what thsi server and this forum section is existing for.
on: 07 Sep 2011 [02:13]
schnitzer90 please contact Night_Knight in hell test for more information on skype.