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on: 16 Apr 2011 [06:23]
updated: 14 Jan 2013 [23:11]
Global Rules:
Global English Rules
Mute Thread
Current English Forum Moderators

Global forum rules:

Rules listed here are global (applies to all sections of the forum regardless of language). These rules are set forth by the developers, unlike the English forum rules which the English moderators have set forth. This thread has been modified from the original (Found Here) for aesthetic/readability purposes.

-1. Rules-

1.1. The Rules are mandatory for all the forum visitors.
1.2. The Rules may be changed without prior notice. When the Rules are changed the relevant post will be made in the ‘Rules’ forum thread describing what items were changed/added/subtracted and when.
For example:
16.01.2012, 17:27 (GMT +2) –The Rules’ Items 1.2 and 5.1 added, the Item 6.3 added.

1.3. The forum participants violating any rule prior to its official entry in the Code will not be considered as violators and will not be penalized. The players breaking a rule after it has been added officially shall be penalized subject to the concerned rule.
1.4. The ignorance of the Rules is no excuse and cannot relieve the violators of the responsibility for breaking them.
1.5. By using the services of this forum you indeed agree to and accept these Rules. It is prohibited to discuss and criticize these Rules as well as to make negative statements about them.
1.6. This forum is post-moderated meaning that your posts are added immediately and moderated afterwards.
1.7. All the posts express the opinions of their authors and the Administration assumes no responsibility for them.
1.8. The forum participant is responsible for any action and, as a consequence, any violation of the present Rules shall entail a penalty. The penalties are described in a new paragraph that will follow the description of the main provisions of the concerned item of the Rules, in the following format: 1st offence, 2nd offence, 3rd offence, nth offence, where:
- 1st offence – is given to the violator for the first violation of any of the Rules; can be substituted with a warning;
- 2nd offence – is given to the violator for the second violation of any of the Rules;
- 3rd offence – is given to the violator for the third violation of the same Rule; this is a repeated relapse and shall entail the sternest penalty;
- nth offence – is given to the violator for yet another violation of any of the Rules. This is for those cases when a forum participant has been allowed to commit a greater number of violations before he or she gets the last penalty sanction.

For example:
3.2. It is prohibited to use strong language in the forum.
Penalties: 1 hour mute, 1 day mute, 1 week mute, mute forever.

1.9. The system of penalties is gradual (see item 1.8). The Moderators of the forum will keep a list of the players who violated the Rules in a separate thread. The violator accounting is done in the following format:
Nickname of violator | how long the mute will last | number of the violated item of the Rule(s) (the digit indicating which offence s/he is on) | Other notes that the moderator wishes to add.

For example:
Player1 | 5 days | 2.1.2 (2), 3.1.2 (1) | Please read the rules.
This entry says that the player nicknamed Player1 has been muted for 5 days for violating the Item 2.1.2 of the Rules twice (and is now on their 2nd offence for this Rule) and has also violated the Item 3.1.2 of the Rules once (and is now on their 1st offence for this Rule) and the moderator who dealt with this issue added the notes: “Please read the rules.”.

1.10. All of the violations have the period of limitation. For any violation there is a period upon the expiry of which the violator will be amnestied. This period is 3 months. Therefore, each offence has a three month lifespan, each starting the day the offence was committed. Those who were given the mute for life are not eligible for any amnesty at all.
1.11. The Administration of the forum is trying to make the forum communication as constructive, interesting and informative as possible.

-2. The Account Rules-

2.1. It is prohibited to use website URLs, rude and/or obscene expressions and words in account names (nicknames).
Penalty: Mute for life.

-3. The Thread and Forum Posting Rules-

3.1. All insults and any display of disrespect are prohibited.
Penalty: warning, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.2. It is prohibited to use obscene language and post links to online resources containing obscene language (depending on the context, as determined at the discretion of the moderator).
Penalty: warning, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 5 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.3. It is prohibited to post pornography and links to pornographic websites.
Penalty: warning, 5 day mute, mute for life.
3.4. It is prohibited to propagate drugs, violence, ethnic or racial enmity; political agitation and calls for violation of the existing code of rules are prohibited as well.
Penalty: 1 day mute, 14 day mute, mute for life.
3.5. It is prohibited to discuss religious subjects and views apart from the cases unrelated to a forum participant but related to his/her in-game character (Commander) and the in-game world is the subject of the discussion.
Penalty: 6 hour mute, 5 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.6. It is prohibited to impose one’s religious views on the other participants of the forum.
Penalty: warning, 5 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.7. It is prohibited to encroach upon the freedom of religious views, principles and beliefs of the other visitors of the forum.
Penalty: warning, 5 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.8. It is prohibited to create subjects and threads unrelated to the topic of the given section of the forum (no off-topic posting).
Penalty: 1 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute.
3.9. It is prohibited to create identical forum threads at the one and the same time.
Penalty: warning, 1 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute.
3.10. It is prohibited to create forum threads with the names containing additional symbols.
For example:
«==-- subject --==», «*~-+_subject_+-~*» and so forth.

Penalty: warning, 1 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute.
3.11. It is prohibited to create forum threads with excessive uses of capitals (CAPS LOCK or “shouting”).
Penalty: warning, 1 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute.
3.12. It is prohibited to create forum threads addressing specific forum participants individually. Please use e-mail or in-game mailing for personal communication.
For example: ‘Player %player_name% is a sorry moron and doesn’t know how to fight, lol!’ or ‘Ban %player_name%, he’s an evil cheater’.
We have the Technical Support Service for complaints about other players; if you consider that somebody is not throwing the straight dice, please, write the TSS Here.
Penalty: 1 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute.
3.13. It is prohibited to post clearly false and libelous information as well as resort to the under-the-belt methods of debating.
For example: Such as juggling with other posters’ original words to torture their messages, edit/delete one’s own posts in order to angle/hide their original import and to use provocations against the other forum participants meaning to move them to violate the present Rules.
Penalty: warning, 1 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.14. It is prohibited to post meaningless messages (flaming, flooding, spamming).
Penalty: warning, 1 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute.
3.15. It is prohibited to reproduce the already-closed subject threads.
Penalty: warning, 6 hour mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.16. Advertising is prohibited in all forms and shapes (direct and indirect) including prohibited are the urges to raise anything’s rating or to press/go to any link. Any information concerning the products of AmberGames Co is not, within the context and for the purposes of the given forum, categorized as ‘advertisement’ or ‘advertising’.
Penalty: warning, 1 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.17. It is prohibited to post messages unrelated to the topic of the given thread (no off-topic posting).
Penalty: warning, 1 hour mute, 3 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 1 week mute.
3.18. It is prohibited to over-quote.
Penalty: warning, 1 hour mute, 3 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 1 week mute.
3.19. It is prohibited to overuse/abuse smileys, pictures and BBCode entries.
Penalty: warning, 1 hour mute, 3 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 1 week mute.
3.20. It is prohibited to post requests to remove the forum mutes for life.
Penalty: 1 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute.
3.21. It is prohibited to publish others’ IP addresses, telephone numbers, addresses, photographs, real-life names and other personal information without the owners’ consent.
Penalty: warning, 5 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.22. It is prohibited to publish private correspondence with anyone.
Penalty: warning, 1 day mute, 5 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.24. It is prohibited to ‘up’ one’s subject (by posting in your thread that went unanswered) within less than 12 hours from the latest response in the thread.
Penalty: 1 hour mute, 6 hour mute, 1 day mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute.
3.25. The excessive number of grammatical errors and jargon will only indicate your disrespect for the visitors of this forum. The repeated couldn’t-care-less attitude to this particular Item of the Rules may attract the moderator’s attention to you and ultimately result in a request for the ‘mute’ to be imposed on your account.
Penalty: warning, a mute at the moderator’s discretion (from 1 hour to 1 month).
3.26. It is prohibited to publish information containing reference or links to warez (pirated software) and cracks.
Penalty: warning, 1 day mute, 14 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
3.27. It is prohibited to agitate in any way and form for the players to leave this game.
Penalty: warning, 5 day mute, 1 month mute, 1 mute for life.

-4. Administration-

4.1. It is prohibited to discuss publicly the course of action/actions of the Administration and the Moderators taken to manage and organize this forum as well as to pursue a political course regarding the game 1100AD as such discussions will contradict the Item 1.9 of the present Rules.
Penalty: warning, 1 day mute, 5 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
4.2. It is prohibited to edit the Moderators’ comments in your own posts as well as to edit your own posts responded to already if in so doing you change or distort the meaning of your original posts.
Penalty: warning, 1 day mute, 5 day mute, 1 month mute, mute for life.
4.3. The Moderators have the right to determine penalties for violation of the forum communication rules, ranging from verbal warnings to the blocking of the defaulting player’s account irreversibly.
4.4. The Moderators are only accountable for their actions to the Administration.
4.5. The decision to penalize a violator shall be made by the Administration of the Forum (the Moderator or the Administrator) in an objective and impartial manner and in compliance with the present Rules.
4.6. In all extraordinary situations not mentioned in these Rules, the decision to penalize any participant of the forum and to determine the severity of the penalty shall be made by the Forum Administration.
4.7. The threads and posts violating the present Rules shall be edited, closed or deleted without any prior warning.

-5. The Procedures for Appealing against the Administration’s Actions-

5.1. Please, clarify precisely who penalized you and make certain that the penalty was unfair. Email us at la@ambergames.com under the following subject: ‘The 1100AD Forum, Player’s Counter-Appeal, Your Login Name’. In the body of the message please state the nickname of the Moderator you are appealing against as well as your forum nickname; the link to the thread/post that the counter-appeal concerns; the reasons for which you disagree with the resolution of the Administration.

-6. Terminology-

6.1. The Administrator – the official employee of AmberGames empowered to moderate this forum, evaluate the acts of the forum participants, reward and penalize the players in compliance with the Rules as well as to amend the Rules as necessary.
6.2. The Moderator – the official of the Forum Administration who is not an employee of AmberGames. The Moderator is an ordinary player who has been noticed and entrusted by the Administration for some exploits or commendable qualities. The Moderator shall be appointed by the Forum Administration and shall solely be accountable for his/her acts to the Administration. The person in this position is responsible for the moderation of the forum, keeping the peace in the forum and imposing sanctions (penalties) in accordance with the present Rules where and as necessary.
6.3. The Forum Participant – any 1100AD player who takes part in the forum discussions and is not an Administrator.
6.4. The Mute – the system function of the forum that prevents any player from posting in the forum for a certain period of time specified and set by the Moderator/Administrator. The Mute does not prevent the muted player from viewing the forum, though.
6.5. The Mute for Life (=the Irreversible Mute) – the system function of the forum that forever prevents any player from posting in the forum. Just like above, this does not prevent the muted player from viewing the forum.
6.6. The Warning – the written message from the Administrator/Moderator in the body of the already-posted message of the player in the forum. The warning is given in the bold red letters and is also put in the square brackets. The player is not allowed to delete the warnings given by the Forum Administration from the body of his/her post because in so doing the player would violate the Item 4.2 of the present Rules. The warning should tell the player who is making it and what item of the Rules has been violated in the concerned defaulting post.
For example:
[Warning: Violation of Item 3.18.]
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