on: 19 Jan 2011 [00:34]
Post your Kingdom of Bohemia World battle reports here!
on: 19 Jan 2011 [21:39]
on: 18 Mar 2011 [00:43]
I think this would count as "excessive use of emoticons". I would remove that so that you do not get banned from the forum.
on: 20 Jul 2011 [20:02]
Yeehaaa, boys and girls!

Results of campaign in Bromglen. You lost: Barbarian 361, Man-at-arms 37, Horseman 85, Scout 2, Pikeman 135, Royal Guard 19, Highwayman 35, Knight 28, Swordsman 8077. You killed: Teutonic knight 200, Horse Archer 919, Hero 4, Scout 20, Knight Templar 400, Pikeman 756, Ranger 747, Knight 787, Man-at-arms 768, Barbarian 500, Archer 992, Marksman 780, Norman Archer 939, Royal Guard 761, Swordsman 14261. You robbed: coal 26166, iron 26166, stone 26166, wood 26166, lime 26166. Results of a fight in resources: not available.

Almost an equal fight - I had 20% more swords - but you see, since the kill ratio was almost 3:1, that did not make the difference! SUPERIOR battle formation and heroes! I owed this guy one, and he got it!
on: 20 Jul 2011 [22:43]
Well done hiero(:s10:)
on: 24 Aug 2011 [00:13]
This probably isnt that impressive, but i left my army at an abandoned mine and killed over 8,000 slaves in one night. Thing that makes me feel happy is that i didnt lose a single soldier.
on: 24 Aug 2011 [00:34]
Quote shadowwarrior7:
killed over 8,000 slaves in one night.

they come in groups of 100-500. and 200 marksmen and 200 archer can stay there and not lose a single soldier.. i try ed it(:s1:) shadowwarrior7 i killed 180,000 slaves and 0 loses (:s10:) hieros is way more impressive than yours
on: 02 Sep 2011 [11:14]
This probably isnt that impressive, but i left my army at an abandoned mine and killed over 8,000 slaves in one night. Thing that makes me feel happy is that i didnt lose a single soldier.

look the text before you write
on: 08 Jun 2012 [12:24]

Near the bottom of the first page his Norman Archer would appear to have become invincable and started to take down my army one by one.
My army did not attack him....:(
So one Norman Archer took down an entire army all by himself.
Topic is closed!