Yeehaaa, boys and girls!
Results of campaign in Bromglen. You lost: Barbarian 361, Man-at-arms 37, Horseman 85, Scout 2, Pikeman 135, Royal Guard 19, Highwayman 35, Knight 28, Swordsman 8077. You killed: Teutonic knight 200, Horse Archer 919, Hero 4, Scout 20, Knight Templar 400, Pikeman 756, Ranger 747, Knight 787, Man-at-arms 768, Barbarian 500, Archer 992, Marksman 780, Norman Archer 939, Royal Guard 761, Swordsman 14261. You robbed: coal 26166, iron 26166, stone 26166, wood 26166, lime 26166. Results of a fight in resources: not available.
Almost an equal fight - I had 20% more swords - but you see, since the kill ratio was almost 3:1, that did not make the difference! SUPERIOR battle formation and heroes! I owed this guy one, and he got it!