on: 29 Jan 2010 [07:24]
updated: 14 Jan 2013 [22:35]
Help and Support:
Global Forum Rules
Global English Rules
Mute Thread
Current English Forum Moderators

Ok, on to the rules, in no particular order:

1: Very Important. In the body of your text, include the server which is relevant to your post/thread. There are many servers now, and some of them are diverging from the old-school server rules. This will help you get help faster!

2: Threads in this folder will be deleted in a case by case manor. If you don't reply after your question or problem has been solved then we will wait only 2 days to delete the thread so please reply after the thread has been solved so we can delete it in a timely manner.

3: 1100AD has a support team; the link can be found here. We do however ask you to please use the forum based help/support section or bugs/text section first as to reduce the work load of the support staff. This is not really a rule; we just want to try to help you with your problem since it may be a problem that we have a simple solution for.

4: There may be more, only time will tell...
on: 14 Jan 2013 [22:36]
New rule: #1
Topic is closed!