Builds 2009-1-Half

From 1100ad

Revision as of 13:28, 17 November 2009 by Vjaka (Talk | contribs)
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Builds of First Half of 2009

#262 (2009/04/17)

new features:

  • walls give bonus to troops - depending on wall level (5%, 15% and 30%)
  • improved payments via Visa/MasterCard - now are working with Chronopay
  • it is now possible to click on icon near your city on attack screen to direct campaign to your city, that saves amount of screens in order to send aid to your city
  • Latvian and Japanese languages added to game


  • manual repair costs 3 times more resources
  • robbing time is now shown, and market capacity left in per cents in robbed resources block
  • now accepting Webmoney transfers with lesser sums (from 1 euro)
  • payment page is easier - can select desired payment methods to see a list of providers that accepts it
  • cities no longer accept aid campaigns from anyone except allies
  • if nothing can be built in the cell, a warning is show - useful in cases when there is resource in the cell, but tile was terraformed to incompatible terrain


  • trade orders were available even if market place was destroyed
  • battle rams were not attacking walls if melee combat mode was selected
  • building orders were silently purged when multi-cell buildings were upgraded
  • robbed resources were disappeared on city capture
  • player was thrown from tactics when an army in sight range was "robbing" just destroyed building
  • similar troops from same cities were not merged on supplying city change in tactics
  • it was possible to accept same trade order few times
  • if language translation is incomplete, the whole screen was unusable and player was thrown to his city page
  • manual coordinates entering in attack screen was broken
  • window title flashing was too fast when browser left untouched for a couple of days
  • if player had 2 allies that were at war, he was defending both of them, so died with absolutely no chance in tactics
  • robbing time was not decreasing when army capacity was lower than left resources in storehouse
  • robbing time was incorrect (showing approximately 1.6 times larger value)
  • when reviving a hero from tavern in castle (and subscription was not yet finished), he became a payed hero from castle (those who suffered - kill your hero and re-hire him)

#245 (2009/03/24)

new features:

  • added water to new valleys (can not be passed by all troops)
  • foliage grow in villages (grass can grow on sand, trees on grass, and opposite direction, trees can go to grass, grass to sand)
  • button in tavern (3 gold) to request a list of another 3 volunteers
  • walls travel time now depends on wall level
  • first small part of diplomacy - ability to select one of the coat of arms in profile


  • due to some rpg-style changes we are going to implement, people in crusade world are limited to 1 free hero
  • made total accounts on server limit in order to guarantee better players flow between servers
  • private messages flood protection - one message per 30 seconds
  • when splitting army, newly created army should use same formation, aggression and range as the source army
  • pop-up information about campaigns (and especially trade) are more intuitive
  • valley generation redone to have more players located nearby others, leave less empty space and not generate one village too close to another
  • totally redone robbing, details follows:

a) robbing is now not instant but robbed a small amount each minute with fixed speed (robbing status is shown both as per cent left, and robbed amount in special panel) b) you can cancel robbing any time and leave with resources, if you are attacked, your robbing troops will respond (if no other armies are in same cell)! c) it is possible to rob marketplace (only open trade orders, that have not been accepted by anyone else), so the offer is decreased (if the offer is not placed by automatic trader)


  • army formation showing incorrect formation as a selected for amy when no formation was manually set, making people thinking they use another formation
  • allowing only English letters, digits and spaces in login names
  • trade orders that are not currently open limits number of trades

and many other tweaks

#238 (2009/02/17)

new features

  • a contact details e-mail is now send upon registration
  • a confirmation e-mail 1 and 2 weeks before account deletion is sent
  • player can select a set of languages in profile he understands, this is viewable in player information screen, to communicate better
  • when having unread private messages, game title blinks
  • subscription feature - city fog - hides city from other players from map and user page for a daily fee
  • vacation mode for accounts with 20 vacation days per year for all players (has 12-hours delay before activation)
  • when deleting old accounts, do not delete accounts with gold on account, it is used to extend the wait period before deletion
  • Implemented paying protocol with
  • Implement disband army / change ownership (supplying city) to current one
  • Events notification to SMS


  • resource exchange in tavern now accepts a value a bit above the range as valid
  • fog of war is given to the current city owner by all buildings built
  • returning campaigns should not have campaign type icon shown
  • marauders should not touch 1-weight armies to allow scouts be hidden somewhere in the city and left untouched not to disturb game play

bug fixes:

  • date of birth entering is bad, needing per-year scroll or year selection
  • joining army should recount path using the new timers
  • library incorrectly counts resources on high levels (schema should be reviewed for high values)
  • When a city is captured, a campaign to that city is not being removed
  • Several cities have never completed troops training orders (fixed after re-start only)
  • Logistics works incorrectly when heroes are in different armies (only bonus from 1 army is applied)
  • Some changes and bug in My trade view
  • messages in context mail are listed in reversed order
  • person can kill his own troops if fighting the enemy who is set as ally in his settings, so the troops are on both sides of the pitch at the same time
  • Troops training are frozen sometimes, probably connected with buildings upgrades

#228 (2009/01/16)

new features:

  • Units are dying in city when population is below zero
  • Forum now has ability to search for new messages (if you are logged in)
  • System time is now shown in game
  • Santa and evil snowman event (actually roll-backed, so fun for those who played)
  • Several hidden protections from clones accounts (mults) and registration spamming
  • When demolishing walls, you now see the percent of the building hit points left


  • It is now a summer again!
  • New clean and much more intuitive trade design
  • Building can not be upgraded if not at full repair
  • Person with automatic trader is able to edit amount of trade repeats
  • Person with just 1 city is not requested to send troops back or leave there on exit
  • Flooding of trade/town messages no longer cleanups your battle reports
  • Walls now has much more hit points, so are valuable to be built actually

bug fixes:

  • Hidden heroes recovery on server start
  • Ability to select an ally as war target
  • After trade troops change supplying city causing below zero population
  • Problems with switching to another city for several IE installations
  • When person loses any troops from one city being an attack, a report is sent that he has lost, even if he has some more troops in target city
  • Heroes requires payment upkeep even if dead
  • Some IE users experience Error:500 when opening website
  • Campaign history does not work when purchased separately from professional account
  • Unable to accept trade offers which has total sum of resources in request part above 15k (market capacity)
  • Fixed wall demolition broken during the iteration

and a large set of small tweaks and changes as well