
From 1100ad

Revision as of 18:56, 23 September 2011 by _Lee_ (Talk | contribs)


Maximum level: 5
Limit: 1 per city
Limit: 1 per player

Tavern is a place where townspeople can rest.
Here you can sell or buy troops at the auction, look at your army and hero information such as structure, power and characteristics as well as hire new hero for pay or resurrect the dead ones.


  • Increases morale of the city owners troops. 5th level tavern gives 15% increase of morale for battles in the city where the tavern is located.
  • Opens access to auction, allowing to buy and cell heroes and troops for gold.


  • Allows selling heroes that are not lower than 5 level. Hero in that time can be located anywhere even in a campaign. For the time of auction he disappears from your army. Time of auction you choose on your own.
    • If hero is not sold during the auction, it dies and can be resurrected in the castle (for free if you don't have more free heroes), in the tavern or in the temple.
  • Allows selling free armies of troops or castle mercenaries in amount of 50 units. Mercenaries found in the Obelisk or Fountain of Glory can't be sold.
    • Right after putting on sale army will be removed and population or mercenary points that were spent on it are returned- these troops are not registered anywhere now.
    • Time of auction - 20 days.
    • Each player can put not more than 5 armies on sale.
    • Troops from any of the cities can be sold, even if there is no tavern.
    • If troops are not sold during the action, they disappear.
    • You can take back your army lots from the auction, if there were no rates made yet. In this case troops will also disappear.
  • After first rate appears, time of auction instantly decreases to 10 hours (if it wasn't less).
  • Allows buying troops and heroes.
    • If troops buying is instantaneous (triple price) troops go to the same city if there is enough population. In other cases troops go to cities with maximum count of free population.
    • Heroes cant be bought instantly, only rates can be made for them. Bought at auction heroes always go to the same "main city".

Additional information

  • Tavern increases only morale of the city owner troops, that are now in the city. Troops registration does not matter. Allies troops don't get this bonus.
  • When tavern is build, on the right panel of the city "Trade" a new section will appear - "Now at auction", clicking on lines of which you will be moved right to the auction of armies or heroes.
  • Bookmark "Heroes" will allow you to hire new paid heroes, resurrect the dead ones or see and change skills of heroes alive.
  • When resurrecting hero in the tavern, he loses all experience gained on the current level (hero skills and his free points are kept)
  • Bookmark «Armies» shows all your owned troops and their characteristics.