Mercenary Camps

From 1100ad

Revision as of 10:37, 6 April 2011 by mikhail88 (Talk | contribs)
HomeTroops Last Edited: 6.4.2011 by mikhail88
Mercenary Camps
Slave Market
Barbarian Fort
Templar Castle
Teuton Castle

These locations can be captured or built.

  • Building requires first building a Mark Tower. Once the Mark Tower is complete, one of the options available is to build a mercenary camp. Building a camp requires gold. Gold requirements are noted in the description of the mercenary camp.
  • You MUST have a free Mercenary camp point to capture or build a camp
  • Capture takes 8 hours
  • You must declare war on a player to take their camp
  • Citizens of your camp will tend to revolt; kill off the rioting troops or you will lose the camp
    • You have 36 hours before you lose the camp
  • Mercenary Camps can not be built/placed in closed lake countours with Forts. They will be moved when the server resets.