Gguide Fountain of Glory

From 1100ad

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The Fountain of Glory

  • Increases the Mercenary Points available in your castles by reducing the population of the city it is built in. the ratio of pop vs. merc is 1.5:1
level hours to build total population required total merc points offered resources required castle at level
iron stone wood lime gold
1 6 450 300 300 2000 500 1200 120 10
2 12 1425 950 420 2800 700 1680 100 12
3 18 2850 1900 600 2920 980 2360 100 14
4 24 4800 3200 820 5500 1380 2300 100 16
5 30 7200 4800 1160 7700 1920 4600 100 18

at Level 3: file:Fountain_of_Glory_Level_3.JPG

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