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== Beginnen met de basics ==
== Starting with the basics ==
=== City - Town ===
=== City - Town ===
Bij binnenkomst van het spel, ontvangt u een tutorial op de rechter bovenhoek van uw browser.
Upon entering the game, you will receive a tutorial on the top right hand corner of your browser.
Wijzig de naam van uw stad ==== ====
==== Rename your City ====
* Niemand houdt vast te zitten met een vreemde naam. Gelukkig kunt u bellen met uw nieuwe stad wat u wenst.
* Nobody likes being stuck with a strange name. Luckily, you can call your new city whatever you desire.
* Selecteer het Vaandel van City naam aan de top midden van het scherm .. Een stad opties menu zal pop-up, waardoor u de naam van uw stad.
* Select the Banner of City name at the top center of the screen.. A city options menu will pop-up, allowing you to rename your city.  
Huur een Hero ==== ====
==== Hire a Hero ====
* Heroes zijn gevestigd in het kasteel. U krijgt vier keuzemogelijkheden, elk met verschillende vaardigheden.
* Heroes are located in the castle. You are given four choices, each with different skills.
* Voor het selecteren van je favoriete held, markeert elk personage te zien van hun speciale vaardigheden. Elke vaardigheid heeft vier fasen aan. Elke keer dat je held een level stijgt, krijgt hij 1 punt.
* Before selecting your favorite hero, highlight each character to see their special abilities. Each skill has four stages to it. Every time your hero increases a level, he gains 1 point.  
Geen (0 punten), novice (1 punt), expert (2 punten), meester (3 punten)
None (0 points), novice (1 point), expert (2 points), master (3 points)
* Leiderschap-soldaten hebben meer gezondheid
* Leadership –Soldiers have more health
* Logistiek-Je leger winsten sneller verkeer tussen de steden
* Logistics –Your army gains faster movement between cities
* Pathfinding-je leger reist sneller binnen steden
* Pathfinding –Your army travels faster within cities
* Scouting-sight verhoogt Hero's bereik, op max. het gaat om bereik 4
* Scouting -Increases Hero's sight range, at max it goes to range 4
* Kennis-Verhoogt held ervaring per doden en speelt een rol in de collector efficiëntie
* Knowledge -Increases hero experience per kill and plays a role in collector efficiency
* Defender-Verhoogt leger defensie
* Defender -Increases Army defense
* Boogschieten-Boogschutters, Rangers en sportschutters sterker
* Archery -Archers, Rangers and Marksmen become stronger
* Fighter-Foot soldaten sterker worden
* Fighter -Foot soldiers get stronger
* Cavalerie-Cavalerie sterker
* Cavalry -Cavalry become stronger
* Ballistische-Siege wapens doen meer schade
* Ballistics -Siege weapons do more damage
a. Olive Leaf - Het huidige niveau van de Hero.
a. Olive Leaf - The current level of the Hero.
b. Crossing Weapons - The Hero's aanval macht.
b. Crossing Weapons - The Hero's attack power.
c. Shield - leven Hero's.
c. Shield - Hero's life.  
Start verzamelen bronnen ==== ====
==== Start gathering Resources ====
* De middelen zijn inkomen besteedt u aan uw stad te bouwen en je leger te verbeteren
* Resources are income you spend to build your town and improve your army
* Door het verbeteren van uw bron gebouwen die u in staat zullen zijn om meer middelen per uur halen.
* By improving your resource buildings you will be able to extract more resources per hour.  
* Selecteer een bron gebouw (zagerij, een steengroeve, ijzer mijne ...) en op het tabblad Overzicht, klik op "Upgrade" (groene pijl) te vinden op de rechter bovenhoek van het menu.
* Select any resource building (sawmill, quarry, iron mine...) and on the overview tab, click “Upgrade” (green arrow) found on the top right hand corner of the menu.  
Verbetering City Bevolking ==== ====
==== Improve City Population ====
* Boerderijen levering bevolking voor de verbetering van gebouwen of het maken van troepen.
* Farms supply population for upgrading buildings or creating troops.
* Maak een boerderij door te klikken op een leeg plein van het land en het kiezen van de boerderij. Als alternatief kan u een reeds bestaande boerderij en op het tabblad Overzicht, klik op de upgrade knop om het verhogen van uw totale bevolking. (Vertegenwoordigd door twee gouden koppen op de bron bar).
* Create a farm by clicking on an empty square of land and choosing the farm building. Alternatively, you may select an already existing farm and on the overview tab, click the upgrade button to increase your total population. (Represented by two golden heads on the resource bar).  
Trein eerste troepen ==== ====
==== Train first Troops ====
* Troepen zijn gemaakt in de kazerne of Stallen (indien u niet beschikt over een, klikt u op een open veld en bestellen. U moet beschikken over de nodige middelen.)
* Troops are made in the Barracks or Stables (if you do not have one, click an open field and order one. You must have the necessary resources.)
* Het is uw keuze om ofwel de trein troepen nu of te blijven bouwen gebouwen.
* It is your choice to either train troops now or to continue constructing buildings.
* Hoe groter het leger, hoe beter!
* The bigger the army, the better!  
==== Weersta de aanslagen van Marauders ====
==== Resist the Attacks of Marauders ====
* Marauders zijn computergestuurde vijanden
* Marauders are computerized enemies
* Je kan zien dat deze plunderaars in de tactische Page Kaart gelabeld als rode vlaggen.
* You may see these marauders in the Tactical Page Map labeled as red flags.
* Selecteer het leger je hebt en klikt u op de vijand u wenst te vernietigen.
* Select the army you have and simply click the enemy you wish to destroy.
a. In de rechter bovenhoek, moet u de naam van je leger, gevolgd door een walking animatie en het tijdstip van aankomst.
a. In the top right hand corner, you should see the name of your army followed by a walking animation and their time of arrival.
b. In het geval van een gevecht, zal het worden vertegenwoordigd door twee zwaarden kruising elkaar.
b. In the event of a battle, it will be represented by two swords crossing each other.
c. Seconden later de pagina moet herladen met de resultaten aan de onderkant van de pagina.
c. Seconds later the page should reload with the results on the bottom of the page.
d. Als je geen rode vlag zien, heb je de vijand ook geslagen met uw groene vlag.
d. If you see no red flag, you have beaten the enemy likewise with your green flag.
==== Setup Coat-of-Arms ====
==== Setup Coat-of-Arms ====
* Dit is het insigne van u en uw stad, in principe het teken zou je vaak ziet op een schild of vlag.
* This is the insignia of you and your city, basically the sign you would commonly see on a shield or flag.
* Om opstelling uw jas-of-arms, markeer je het tabblad Instellingen en klik vervolgens op Profiel.
* To setup your coat-of-arms, highlight your Settings tab, then click Profile.
* Dit geeft uw huidige informatie, klik op de "Change" knop aan de linkerkant Avatar.
* This displays your current information, click on the “Change” button on the left-side Avatar.
* Op de bodem van het menu, zult u verschillende wapen (CoA) vindt u uit kunt kiezen. Kiezen die het best je suites.
* On the bottom of the menu, you’ll find various coat of arms (CoA) to chose from. Select the one that best suites you.
* Om uw eigen CoA, moet u ten minste 750 Gold Coins (zie Gold Coins voor meer info). Anders kunt u kiezen voor een van de vrije keuzes.
* To customize your own CoA, you must have at least 750 Gold Coins (refer to Gold Coins for more info). Otherwise, you may choose any of the free choices.
* Als je Gold Coins dan kunt u terugkeren naar de profiel pagina en selecteer "Genereer Persoonlijke CoA".
* If you have Gold Coins then you may return to the Profile page, and select "Generate Personal CoA".  
=== City - Tactiek ===
=== City - Tactics ===
Andere weergave van uw stad, de tactische pagina toont je leger samen met bondgenoot en vijandelijke troepen.
Another view of your city, the tactical page shows your army along with ally and enemy troops.
* Uw held is aangeduid als een groene vlag.
* Your hero is labeled as a green flag.
* Uw legers worden aangeduid als groene vlaggen.
* Your armies are labeled as green flags.
* Bondgenoten zijn aangeduid als blauwe vlaggen.
* Allies are labeled as blue flags.
* Vijanden zijn gemarkeerd als rode vlaggen.
* Enemies are labeled as red flags.
Elke hoek van de kaart heeft binnenkomst genoemd punten "Gates". Dit is waar iedereen mag binnenkomen of verlaten uw stad.
Each corner of the map has entry points called "Gates". This is where anyone may enter or leave your city.
De cirkels die elk deel van de kaart zijn waypoints die geen enkel leger kan reizen om gewoon door het selecteren van je leger en te klikken op een cirkel.
The circles covering each part of the map are waypoints that any army can travel to simply by selecting your army and clicking on a circle.
De beweging van een leger zal tijd vergen. De tijd die nodig is om van punt A naar punt B wordt weergegeven in de rechterbovenhoek.
The movement of any army will take time. The time required to move from Point A to Point B is shown in the upper right corner.  
* Fixed Squad: Het doel is om een specifiek leger gescheiden van anderen te houden. Het selecteren van de doos zal ervoor zorgen dat uw leger niet mengen met een van je legers.
* Fixed Squad: The purpose is to keep a specific army separate from others. Selecting the box will ensure your army does not mix with another one of your armies.
* Formatie: Stel op default, kunt u uw legers vorming door nabestellen hoe je leger zal worden ingesteld. U kunt kiezen welk type van soldaten te geven aan de frontlinies waar ze het meest waarschijnlijke te worden gedood. Dit laat een aantal interessante strategische keuzes.
* Formation: Set on default, you can configure your armies formation by re-ordering how your army will be setup. You may choose what type of soldiers to put into the front lines where they are the most likely to be killed. This allows some interesting strategic choices.
* Agressie: Laag (Niet om aan te vallen iedereen binnen kunnen bekijken), Range (Attack binnen bekijken, maar niet achtervolging), Hoog (Attack wanneer in het oog / range en achtervolging)
* Aggression: Low (Not to attack anyone within view), Range (Attack within view but does not pursuit), High (Attack when in view/range and pursuit)
* Attack Range: Melee (Attack binnen cirkel) - Adaptive (Attack binnen het bereik van het leger of cirkel) - Meerdaags (Attack wanneer in varieerde het zicht van het leger).
* Attack Range: Melee (Attack within circle) - Adaptive (Attack within the army’s range or circle) - Ranged (Attack when in ranged sight of army).  
Hernoemen Army ==== ====
==== Rename Army ====
* U kunt uw legers creatieve namen om jezelf te uiten.
* You can give your armies creative names to express yourself.
* Flag selectie doel is om elk leger zijn eigen symbool voor onmiddellijke erkenning.
* Flag selection’s purpose is to give each army its own symbol for instant recognition.
Join Geselecteerde Army ==== ====
==== Join Selected Army ====
* Selecteer de legers die u wilt groeperen en klik op "Join Legers" Dan selecteert u de groep die u wilt uitbreiden. Dit maakt de andere groep over lopen naar de geselecteerde leger en vorm als een.
* Select the armies you wish to group together and click “Join Armies”    Then select the group you want to expand. This makes the other group walk over to the selected Army and form as one.  
Legers ==== Split in Twee ====
==== Split Armies into Two ====
* Splitsing het leger in twee zullen je troepen scheiden in twee bands.
* Splitting the army into two will separate your troops into two bands.
==== Alles selecteren / Geen ====
==== Select All/None ====
* Selecteert al je troepen of deselecteert die zijn geselecteerd.
* Selects all your troops or deselects those that are selected.  
Geavanceerde opties ==== ====
==== Advanced Options ====
* Ontbinden / kill geselecteerd Armies (Spreekt voor zich).
* Disband/kill selected Armies (Self-explanatory).
* Registreer legers in deze stad (dat verhuist leger bevolking van de stad je op)
* Register Armies in this city (Relocates that army's population to the city you are at)
==== Bestel legers de stad te verlaten ====
==== Order Armies to leave the city ====
* Voor het selecteren van uw opdracht (Steun of Attack) moet je kiezen welke Leger u verzendt uitgeschakeld.
* Before selecting your command (Aid or Attack) you must select which Army you are sending off.
* Voer de naam van het Leger en zetten hun Agressie, Attack Range en Battle formatie (U mag een eerder opgeslagen formatie of gewoon een nieuwere vorming).
* Input the name of the Army and set their Aggression, Attack Range and Battle formation (You may select a previously saved formation or simply make a newer formation).
* Voer de coördinaten van een stad die u wilt uw troepen te sturen naar. De naam van de stad en de bijbehorende speler naam wordt weergegeven op de top van de coördinaten.
* Input the coordinates of a city you wish to send your troops to. The name of the city and corresponding player name will be displayed on top of the coordinates.
* Stel het tempo van je leger om bestemming te bereiken (Normaal stuurt ze bij een gematigde snelheid of u hebt de mogelijkheid om te betalen drie gouden zweep om je troepen in een razernij en de snelheid van hun aankomsttijd.
* Set the pace of your Army to reach destination (Normal sends them at a moderate speed or you have the option of paying three gold to whip your troops into a frenzy and speed their arrival time.
* Selecteer Steun of Attack (Steun voor het verlichten van de geselecteerde stad)
* Select Aid or Attack (Aid to relieve the selected city)
* Werklozen troepen (te vinden op de rechter bovenhoek van uw browser, geeft uw soldaten die zich niet in een campagne of niet in een vaste groep).
* Unemployed troops (found on the top right hand corner of your browser, displays your soldiers who are not in any campaign or not in a fixed group).  
=== Kaart - Valley ===
=== Map - Valley ===
Ook bekend als de World Map, de kaart toont uw stad evenals andere spelers rond de wereld.
Also known as the World Map, the map shows your city as well as other players around the world.
Pointing uw cursor over een stad geeft de naam van de speler, gevolgd door hun coördinaten, naam van de stad en de huidige punten.
Pointing your cursor over a city will display the player's name followed by their coordinates, city name and current points.
* De legenda aan de rechterkant van uw browser geeft de status van een stad voor jou.
* The Map Legend on the right side of your browser displays the status of a city to you.
* Niet gemarkeerd steden worden automatisch neutraal beschouwd. Dat betekent dat ze geen alliantie of agressie naar u toe.
* Unflagged cities are automatically considered neutral. That means they have no alliance or aggression toward you.
* Van deze weergave kunt u ook selectief kiezen wie je wilt als uw bondgenoot, vijand enz. .. Door het selecteren van de stad kunt bekijken hun profiel.
* From this view you can also selectively choose who you want as your ally, enemy etc... By selecting the city you view their profile.
* Het profiel toont u hun relaties met andere spelers, die eigendom steden, waardering en reputatie.
* The profile shows you their relations with other players, owned cities, rating and reputation.
* Aan de rechterkant van het profiel, het geeft je vijf opties.
* On the right side of the profile, it gives you five options.
                   a. Stuur Campagne (Steun of Attack)
                   a. Send Campaign (Aid or Attack)
                   b. Private Message (PM)
                   b. Private Message (PM)
                   c. Aanbieding Ally
                   c. Offer Ally
                   d. De oorlog verklaren
                   d. Declare War
                   e. Non-Agressie-Pact (NAP)
                   e. Non-Aggression-Pact (NAP)
De pijlen rond de vallei kaart kunt u bladeren door de vallei.
The arrows around the valley map allows you to scroll through the valley.
Aan de onderkant van de kaart, het geeft je de Vallei # en de X-en Y-coördinaten. Door het invoeren van deze coördinaten, is het mogelijk om een specifieke speler te vinden.
On the bottom of the map, it gives you the Valley # and the X and Y coordinates. By inputting these coordinates, it’s possible to find a specific player.  
=== Kaart - Attack ===
=== Map - Attack ===
Door het selecteren van een stad is het mogelijk om een campagne te sturen om aan te vallen of steun iemand.
By selecting a city it is possible to send a campaign to attack or aid someone.                                                                                                              
* Voor het selecteren van uw opdracht (Steun of Attack) moet je kiezen welke soldaten die u verzendt uitgeschakeld.
* Before selecting your command (Aid or Attack) you must select which soldiers you are sending off.
* Werklozen troepen (te vinden op de rechter bovenhoek van uw browser, displays soldaten die zich niet in een campagne of vaste groep).
* Unemployed troops (found on the top right hand corner of your browser, displays soldiers who are not in any campaign or fixed group).
* Voer de naam van het Leger en stellen hun agressie, aanval bereik en strijd vorming (U mag een eerder opgeslagen formatie of gewoon een nieuwere vorming).
* Input the name of the Army and set their aggression, attack range and battle formation (You may select a previously saved formation or simply make a newer formation).
* Voer de coördinaten van de stad die u wilt uw troepen te sturen naar. De naam van de stad en de speler naam wordt weergegeven op de top van de coördinaten.
* Input the coordinates of the city you wish to send your troops to. The name of the city and player name will be displayed on top of the coordinates.  
* Stel het tempo uw leger zullen reizen naar hun bestemming op (Selecteren normale stuurt ze in een matig tempo of u kunt besteden 3 goud om ze te laten draaien als de wind
* Set the pace your army will travel to their destination at (Selecting normal sends them at a moderate pace or you can spend 3 gold to make them run like the wind
* Selecteer Steun of Attack (Steun voor het verlichten van de geselecteerde stad)
* Select Aid or Attack (Aid to relieve the selected city)  
=== Politiek - Messaging ===
=== Politics - Messaging ===
* Dit toont uw ontvangen berichten. Te schakelen naar verzonden berichten klikt u op de rode pijl onder de AD-1100-logo. U kunt bekijken vazal en bondgenoot biedt door te klikken op de zandloper in-tussen de groene en rode pijlen.
* This shows your received messages. To switch to sent messages simply click the red arrow under the AD 1100 logo. You may view vassal and ally offers by clicking on the hourglass in-between the green and red arrows.
* Op de linkerkant van het scherm kunt u een nieuw bericht, antwoord schrijven naar een ontvangen bericht, waarvan sommige verwijderen of een afzender blokkeren.
* On the left side of the screen you may write a new message, reply to a received message, delete some or block a sender.
* Door te klikken op "Markeer alle berichten als gelezen", elimineren je het knipperende pictogram ongelezen bericht aan de bovenkant van het scherm.
* By clicking “Mark All Messages as Read”, you eliminate the flashing unread message icon at the top of the screen.  
=== Politiek - vazallen ===
=== Politics – Vassals ===
* Vazallen zijn spelers die belasting betalen om een sterkere speler in ruil voor hun bescherming
* Vassals are players that pay taxes to a stronger player in return for their protection
* U wilt een vazal, je moet alleen worden vazal van iemand als je in diepe problemen.
* You do not want to be a vassal; you should only become somebody’s vassal if you are in deep trouble.
* Om te kunnen andere spelers als uw vazallen moet u de bouw van een niveau 1 Obelisk van Glorie en het vullen met middelen.
* To be able to have other players as your vassals you must construct a level 1 Obelisk of Glory and fill it with resources.
* Op dit tabblad kunt u al uw vazallen
* This tab allows you to view all your vassals
=== Instellingen - Profiel ===
=== Settings - Profile ===
* U kunt uw gebruikersnaam, e-mail en wachtwoord hier
* You may change your user name, email and password here
* Het is ook mogelijk om uw verjaardag datum registreren en wijzigen van uw wapen.
* Its also possible to record your birthday date and change your Coat of Arms.  
=== Instellingen - Instellingen ===
=== Settings – Settings ===
* De kaart scrollen snelheid is hoeveel dozen je wilt elke keer ga je op de pijl op de vallei kaart.
* The map scrolling speed is how many boxes you wish to scroll each time you click the arrow on the valley map.
* De update frequentie is hoe vaak u wilt het spel tot de wijzigingen die gebeurd zijn show. U moet verlagen of verhogen de update bar, afhankelijk van uw internet snelheid.
* The update frequency is how often you wish the game to show any changes that have happened. You should lower or raise the update bar depending on your internet speed.
* Als u "Warriors als Transport" laat je soldaten om goederen te vervoeren naar uw handelspartners wensen te vervullen. Hiermee kunt u transacties maken wanneer uw stad heeft geen wagens beschikbaar. Helaas zal je krijgers verdwenen zijn zolang de handel neemt.
* Selecting “Warriors as Transport” allows your soldiers to carry goods to fulfill your trading wishes. This allows you to make trades when your city has no carts available. Unfortunately, your warriors will be gone for as long as the trade takes.
* Het leger controle vertraging is hoeveel tijd verstrijkt voordat u de computer uw vorige bestelling negeert. Als bijvoorbeeld, is de achterstand vastgesteld voor 20 seconden, je leger agressie groot is en vijandelijke troepen zijn gespot. Als je om je troepen terug te trekken, zullen ze volgen je commando voor 20 seconden. Dan is de computer overnemen en beslissingen nemen op basis van je leger instellingen. In dit geval is agressief, zodat je troepen zou aanrekenen in de richting van de vijand.
* The army control lag is how much time passes before you the computer ignores your previous order. If for example, the lag is set for 20 seconds, your army aggression is high and enemy troops are spotted. If you order your troops to retreat, they will follow your command for 20 seconds. Then the computer will take over and make decisions based on your army settings. In this case it is aggressive, so your troops would charge toward the enemy.
* Grafische bestrijden logs zijn slechts de reguliere bestrijding logs, maar met foto's van de troepen in aanvulling op hun naam.
* Graphical combat logs are merely the regular combat logs but with pictures of the troops in addition to their name.
* Aan de rechterkant zijn er verschillende opties die u kunt veranderen, zoals de vorming van het leger, een abonnement voor bonusmateriaal, het plaatsen van uw account in vakantie modus en zo verder.
* To the right there are various options you can change such as army formation, subscribing for bonus features, placing your account in vacation mode and so on.  
=== Help - Forums / Website ===
=== Help - Forums / Website ===
* Selecteer het tabblad 'Help' op de rechterbovenhoek van het scherm
* Highlight the Help tab on the upper right corner of the screen
* Door het selecteren van Forum, zal het u naar de link daar. U kunt suggereren nieuwe ideeën voor het spel, ontwikkelaars te vragen alle bugs die u ondervindt of ontdek nieuws over het spel op te lossen.
* By selecting Forums, it will link you to the there. You can suggest new ideas for the game, ask developers to solve any bugs you are experiencing or find out news about the game.
* De andere link brengt u naar de belangrijkste webpagina waar je screenshots van het spel en register kan vinden voor een account in een andere wereld.
* The other link will take you to the main webpage where you can find screenshots of the game and register for an account in another world.  
== Het leren van de verschillende gebouwen en hun rol ==
== Learning the various buildings and their roles ==
Basis Gebouwen === ===
=== Basic Buildings ===
Kasteel ==== ====
==== Castle ====
* Het kasteel is vereist voor uw oplossing te bedienen.
* The castle is required for your settlement to operate.
* Dit is ook de plaats waar je je held huren en te doen herleven je held (gratis als hij is uw enige held. Ga naar de kroeg om een held te betalen voor 50 goud te doen herleven of gratis of betalende held in de tempel voor een kostprijs van goud herleven )
* This is also where you hire your hero and revive your hero (for free if he is your only hero. Go to the tavern to revive a paying hero for 50 gold or resurrect either free or paying hero in the temple for a cost of gold)
* Een lijst uitzicht van de gebouwen van uw stad en hun huidige niveau wordt weergegeven.
* A listed view of your city's buildings and their current level will be displayed.
* Mercenaries bent hier gevonden voor huren. Een Obelisk of Glory is nodig om deze eenheden te ontgrendelen.
* Mercenaries are found here for hire. An Obelisk of Glory is required to unlock these units.
* Om Terraform (clearing land voort te bouwen op) moet je een upgrade te bereiken niveau van 6.
* In order to Terraform (clearing land to build on) you must reach an upgrade level of 6.
* Upgrading: Verlaagt bouwen tijd door een bepaalde hoeveelheid percentage.
* Upgrading: Decreases build time by a certain amount of percentage.
* Upgraden van je kasteel is vereist voor de andere gebouwen te bereiken hun nieuwe upgrade niveau.
*Upgrading your castle is required for other buildings to reach their new upgrade level.
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
*No extra space required when upgraded.  
==== ==== Storehouse
==== Storehouse ====
* Ook voor uw oplossing te bedienen.
* Also required for your settlement to operate.
* Het pakhuis is waar alle gewonnen middelen zijn opgeslagen.
* The storehouse is where all extracted resources are stored.
* Op het tabblad Bronnen, zijn uw huidige stroom van middelen per uur en eventuele kosten weergegeven.
* On the Resources Tab, your current flow of resources per hour and possible expenses are displayed.
* Inkomen (+###) is het maximum bedrag van de bron verzameld elk uur. Kasteel voorziet +10 middelen voor elk type.
* Income(+###) is the max amount of resource collected each hour. Castle provides +10 resources for each type.
* Kosten (-###) is het bedrag van elke bron die wordt genomen per uur.
* Expenses(-###) is the amount of each resource that is taken per hour.  
* Upgrading: Verhoogt de max. opslag van gewonnen middelen.
* Upgrading: Increases the max storage of extracted resources.
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
Farms ==== ====
==== Farms ====
* Handmatig gebouwd, is de boerderij die nodig zijn voor uw stad om vooruitgang te boeken.
* Built manually, the farm is required for your city to progress.
* Boerderijen bepaalt bevolking, zodat andere gebouwen in je stad kan geleverd worden met werknemers.
* Farms provides population so that other buildings in your city can be supplied with workers.
* Boerderijen zijn ook noodzakelijk voor de opleiding van troepen.
* Farms are also necessary for training troops.
* Bevolking cijfers naar beneden gaan als je bouwen, upgraden, of trein krijgers.
* Population numbers go down when you  build, upgrade, or train warriors.  
* Upgrading: Verhoogt bevolking bedoelde bedrag (niet per uur).
* Upgrading: Increases population amount provided (not per hour).
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.
* Beperkingen: Limiet 20 per stad.
* Restrictions: Limit 20 per town.
=== Resources Extractie ===
=== Resources Extraction ===
Zagerij ==== ====
==== Sawmill ====
* Gebruikt voor de productie van hout.
* Used for producing wood.
* Upgrading: Verhoogt de productie van hout per niveau. Hoger bedrag van hout verzameld per uur.
* Upgrading: Increases production of wood per level. Higher amount of wood collected per hour.
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
Coal Mine ==== ====
==== Coal Mine ====
* Gebruikt voor de productie van kolen.
* Used for producing coal.
* Upgrading: Verhoogt de productie van kolen per niveau. Hoger bedrag van steenkool verzameld per uur.
* Upgrading: Increases production of coal per level. Higher amount of coal collected per hour.
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
Iron Mine ==== ====
==== Iron Mine ====
* Gebruikt voor de productie van ijzer.
* Used for producing iron.
* Upgrading: Verhoogt de productie van ijzer per niveau. Hogere hoeveelheid ijzer verzameld per uur.
* Upgrading: Increases production of iron per level. Higher amount of iron collected per hour.
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
Lime Oven ==== ====
==== Lime Oven ====
* Gebruikt voor de productie van kalk.
* Used for producing lime.
* Upgrading: Verhoogt de productie van kalk per niveau. Hoger bedrag van kalk verzameld per uur.
* Upgrading: Increases production of lime per level. Higher amount of lime collected per hour.
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
Quarry ==== ====
==== Quarry ====
* Gebruikt voor de productie van steen.
* Used for producing stone.
* Upgrading: Verhoogt de productie van stenen per niveau. Hoger bedrag van steen verzameld per uur.
* Upgrading: Increases production of stone per level. Higher amount of stone collected per hour.
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
=== Algemeen structuren ===
=== General structures ===
Cache ==== ====
==== Cache ====
* Cache is een geheugen voor de opslag enkele van uw middelen.
* Cache is another storage unit for some of your resources.
* In tegenstelling tot de Storehouse, zal dit gebouw voorkomen dat een bepaald bedrag van uw middelen uit beroofd.
* Unlike the Storehouse, this building will prevent a certain amount of your resources from being robbed.
* Upgrading: verhoogt capaciteit van de middelen zijn opgeslagen in de cache.
* Upgrading: Increases capacity of resources stored in the Cache.  
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.
Beperkingen: Beperk 1 per stad.
Restrictions: Limit 1 per town.  
Brandkast ==== ====
==== Strongbox ====
* Het principe biedt extra middelen opslag.
* It basically provides extra resources storage.
* De kluis kan worden beroofd net als het pakhuis.
* The strongbox can be robbed just like the storehouse.
* Upgrading: Verhoogt de hoeveelheid middelen die kunnen worden opgeslagen op een bepaald moment.
* Upgrading: Increases the amount of resources that can be stored at any one time.  
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
* Beperkingen: Beperk 10 per stad.
* Restrictions: Limit 10 per town.
Marketplace ==== ====
==== Marketplace ====
* De Markt gastheren uw middelen handel met buiten de nederzettingen.
* The Market place hosts your resources trade with outside settlements.
* U kunt ook middelen krijgen steun van een andere stad die behoort aan jou.
* You can also receive resource support from another city that belongs to you.
* Er is een maximum 5-1 handel ratio te beperken. Voorbeeld: U kunt geen handel 1 hout voor meer dan 5 ijzer.
* There is a 5-1 maximum trading ratio limit. Example: You cannot trade 1 wood for more than 5 iron.
* Carts zijn over het algemeen gebruikt voor het vervoer van goederen, maar onder Instellingen is er een optie om je krijgers gebruiken om middelen te dragen.
* Carts are generally used to transport goods but under Settings there is an option to use your warriors to carry resources.
* Om een bestelling plaatsen op de markt, ga naar "Mijn Orders" aan de onderkant van de markt pagina. Selecteer de middelen die u wilt en die je bereid bent de handel in terug. Daarna raakte de twee pijlen aan de bovenkant van de pagina om uw bestelling ambtenaar.
* To place an order on the market, go to “My Orders” at the bottom of the market page. Select the resources you want and the ones you are willing to trade in return. Then hit the two arrows at the top of the page to make your order official.
* Het is ook mogelijk om een soort middelen ruil voor een ander type dat je kort van door te gaan tot de uitwisseling tabblad. De ruilverhouding is oorspronkelijk 85-1, maar kan worden verminderd door het verbeteren van uw markt.
* It is also possible to exchange one type of resource for another type that you are short of by going to the exchange tab. The exchange ratio is originally 85-1, but can be reduced by upgrading your market.
* Upgrading: Verhoogt de hoeveelheid middelen kunt u handel op een tijd en vermindert de ratio voor uitwisseling.
* Upgrading: Increases the amount of resources you can trade at a time and decreases the ratio for exchange.  
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
Reparatie Squad ==== ====
==== Repair Squad ====
* Hoe hoger dit gebouw is opgewaardeerd, hoe sneller schade door rammen en katapulten is gerepareerd.
* The higher this building is upgraded, the faster damage done by rams and catapults is repaired.
* Het andere doel is om tunnels te bouwen tussen de verschillende steden of mogelijke vazallen. Onderdoorgangen gesneden reistijd tussen deze steden van 30-50%. Voordat de bouw van een onderdoorgang, moet u betalen goud. (Het bedrag verschilt afhankelijk van de afstand van de tunnel)
* The other purpose is to construct underpasses between your various cities or possible vassals. Underpasses cut travel time between those cities by 30-50%. Before building an underpass, you must pay gold. (The amount differs depending on the distance of the tunnel)
* Upgrading: Snellere reparaties voor uw gebouwen
* Upgrading: Faster repairs for your buildings
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
* Beperkingen: Beperk 3 per stad.
* Restrictions: Limit 3 per town.
Obelisk of Glory ==== ====
==== Obelisk of Glory ====
* Nadat u bouwen en vul de bron tabblad, mag u vazallen te accepteren.
* After you build and fill the resource tab, you are allowed to accept vassals.
* Het andere doel is om "Mercenary punten" waarmee u verschillende huurlingen kopen om je leger te vullen.
* The other purpose is to get “Mercenary Points” which allow you to purchase various mercenaries to supplement your army.
* Upgrading: hiermee meer huurling punten voor de aankoop van meer huurlingen
* Upgrading: Allows more mercenary points to purchase more mercenaries
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.
* Beperkingen: Limit 1 per speler.
* Restrictions: Limit 1 per player.
Tavern ==== ====
==== Tavern ====
* De taverne is waar u extra helden te huren kan vinden. (moet 50 goud te huren en een 5 goud per dag tegen betaling)
* The tavern is where you can find additional heroes to hire. (requires 50 gold to hire and a 5 gold per day fee)
* Daarnaast kunt u eenvoudig zien het totale bedrag van de troepen je verspreid over steden en op uw campagnes.
* In addition, you can easily see the total amount of troops you have spread across your cities and on campaigns.
* Het is ook een vereiste om uw bibliotheek upgraden
* It is also a requirement to upgrade your library
* U kunt een level 5 of hoger held veiling om goud te ontvangen indien hij is gekocht.
* You can auction a level 5 or higher hero to receive gold if he is bought.
* Hier kunt u herleven een extra held voor een kostprijs van 50 goud (doe dit niet te doen voor uw gratis held, herleven hem in je kasteel). Doe dit snel al sinds je dode held kan verdwijnen en nooit weer te zien.
* Here you can revive a additional hero for a cost of 50 gold (do not do this for your free hero, revive him in your castle). Do this soon though since your dead hero may disappear and never to be seen again.
* Tenslotte bent u in staat om sterke helden die andere spelers hebben opgemaakt voor de veiling te kopen.
* Finally, you are able to purchase strong heroes that other players have put up for auction.
* Upgrading: Je kan de aanschaf van een held dat wordt geveild
* Upgrading: You may purchase a hero that’s being auctioned
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
Tempel ==== ====
==== Temple ====
* De tempel kunt u de middelen te doneren aan je reputatie te verbeteren (niveau 5 is een tempel te doneren).
* The temple allows you to donate resources to improve your reputation (requires a level 5 temple to donate).
* Als je reputatie wordt bij lage kunt u niet meer verklaren oorlog of vazallen te accepteren.
* When your reputation becomes to low you can no longer declare war or accept vassals.
* U kunt ook een held herleven hier.
* You can also resurrect a hero here.  
* Upgrading: Resurrect een held zonder ervaring verlies
* Upgrading: Resurrect a hero with no experience loss
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
Bibliotheek ==== ====
* Wilt u zelf meer dan een stad, is de bibliotheek van essentieel belang. Door het doneren van middelen die u proberen om uw kennis niveau te krijgen tot 100%.
* Voor elk niveau u een upgrade van de bibliotheek, de resource belasting daalt 10%.
* Upgrading: Verminder de belasting van de middelen die u doneren.
* Geen extra ruimte nodig als opgewaardeerd.
Verzamelplaats ==== ====
==== Rally Point ====
* De rally is het punt waar al je troepen en belegering wapens verzamelen nadat ze zijn gemaakt.
* The rally point is where all your troops and siege weapons gather after they are created.
* Upgrading: Geen upgrade beschikbaar
* Upgrading: No upgrade available
Nou ==== ====
==== Well ====
* De goed voegt 400 bevolking aan uw stad. Echter, er is een twist aan dit. De handelingen en een schuilplaats voor dieven dus op willekeurige tijden kunt u een stad bericht ontvangt van een handelaar zeggen de dieven heb een aantal van zijn bronnen. Alles wat u hoeft te doen is om het goed te verkennen met je held om de middelen terug te krijgen, maar pas op, kan de dieven je aanvallen.
* The well adds 400 population to your town. However, there is a twist to this. The well acts as a hiding place for thieves so at random times you may receive a town message from a merchant saying the thieves stole some of his resources. All you have to do is to explore the well with your hero to get the resources back, but beware, the thieves may attack you.
* Beperkingen: Beperk een per stad
* Restrictions: Limit one per city
* Upgrading: Geen upgrade beschikbaar
* Upgrading: No upgrade available 
=== Militaire gebouwen ===
==== Library ====
Barracks ==== ====
* [[File:Library.jpg]]
* De Kazerne wordt gebruikt voor de opleiding van je infanterie.
* If you wish to own more than one city, the library is essential.  By donating resources you attempt to get your knowledge level to 100%.
* Kazerne bestaat uit zes (6) soorten soldaten.
* For every level you upgrade the library, the resource tax goes down 10%.
* Upgrading: Decrease the taxation of resources you donate.
* No extra space required when upgraded.  
* Piekdrager
==== Library: Tax Collection ====
Sooner or later you will have need to perform Tax Collection. You may want to activate Vacation Mode (minimum 5 days) or unexpectedly have to be away from the game for an extended amount of time. In that case, here is a concise summary of the steps that can be taken to hopefully make use of the Game's Tax Collection features.
* Click on the library, preferably in a city you have a hero in with Master Knowledge.
* Click on the COLLECTOR tab
* Note how the "Distributing to: Library Efficiency:" equals 20%
* If you have any heros in this city, they will show up in the top window. Mouse over each of the the heros and find the one with the highest Knowledge level (None, Novice, Expert & Master is highest). Click on the hero you want collecting taxes in this city and their image will appear in the "Distributing to" window, like so:
See how, in this case, the Efficiency increased to 30%! This hero has NOVICE Knowledge! She has a better efficiency rate than having no hero or one with no Knowledge. Selecting a hero with no Knowledge is equivalent to the default 20% tax collection rate. More on this later.
* Now choose the building you want your taxes to be distributed to: Library, Temple, Obelisk, Barracks, Stable, Workshop.
For Barracks, Stable, or Workshop: select the troop type you want created (you can only select one). For instance, in this picture the Barracks was selected
The Archer is selected in this next picture.
Notice how the icon is highlighted in red and the "Distributing to:" window tells you Archers would be created as a 20% tax rate, in this instance.
* Now decide at what resource level you want the Taxes to begin being collected at. In this picture, it is currently set at 10000. Please NOTE! In this scenario, the lowest quantity resource must be at least above 10000 in order for taxes to start being collected.
WARNING: if you do not manage your resources (by using Marketplace Exchange, for instance) such that they are close to the same levels and start collecting taxes, it is possible to lose large amounts of resources. More on this later.
* Once you are happy with the settings you have selected, Click on the CONFIRM button.
* Once you LOGOUT of the server, using one of these two choices (the Logout word or keys):
Tax Collection begins assessing your settings and if all conditions are met, your taxes will begin being applied to the appropriate building at the rate indicated.
Note: If you merely close your browser window and do not logout, it will be some time before the server recognizes that you are no longer connected. Tax Collection WILL NOT start working until the server sees you are no longer logged in! I merely make note of this because, inevitably, some of you are going the test this and holler at us on the Forums an hour later saying this does not work. It may be as simple as you were never logged out and therefore, Tax Collection never started working.
Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it!
==== Library: Tax Collection: Extended notes ====
* Optimally, if you activate Tax Collection for whatever reason, it would be wise to put as many Heros with Knowledge to work in as many cities as possible.
* It would also be wise to activate tax collection in all your cities even though you do not employ a hero in that capacity. Twenty percent efficiency is better than throwing the resources away.
* Additionally, you should increase the resource minimum to about 28000 (observations indicated that in certain situation it may need to be set lower) so that upon your return you have the opportunity to apply your resources at 100% efficiency.
* The Efficiency rates of your heros with Knowledge are:
Novice = 35%
Expert = 45%
Master = 65%
You can gain an additional 30% by being a Gold Account holder. Therefore your total tax efficiency will be 95% in each city where you have a Hero with Master Knowledge.
=== Military buildings ===
==== Barracks ====
* The Barracks is used for training your infantry.
* Barracks consists of six (6) types of soldiers.
* Pikeman
* Swordsman
* Swordsman
* Man-at-Arms
* Man-at-Arms
Line 291: Line 347:
* Ranger
* Ranger
* Upgrading: Elk niveau vergroot u uw kazerne vermindert de tijd die nodig is om soldaten op te leiden. Voordat u kunt upgraden naar niveau 4 of 9, moet je omringen twee kanten van het gebouw met niveau 1 kazerne.
* Upgrading: Every level you increase your barracks reduces the time needed to train soldiers. Before you can upgrade to level 4 or 9, you need to surround two sides of the building with level 1 barracks.
* Niveau 4: Hiermee opleiding van 4 troepen tegelijk
* Level 4: Allows training of 4 troops at once
* Niveau 9: Hiermee opleiding van 9 troepen tegelijk.
* Level 9: Allows training of 9 troops at once.
* Een Multicell gebouw een upgrade naar een niveau 4 vereist een 2x2 of 4 cellen van de ruimte.
* A multicell building, upgrading to a level 4 will require a 2x2 or 4 cells of space.
* Opwaarderen naar niveau 9 vergt een 3x3 of 9 cellen van de ruimte
* Upgrading to level 9 will require a 3x3 or 9 cells of space 
Stables ==== ====
==== Stables ====
* De Stal wordt gebruikt voor de opleiding van uw cavalerie.
* The Stable is used for training your cavalry.
* Stallen bestaat uit drie (3) soorten soldaten.
* Stables consists of three (3) types of soldiers.
* Scout
* Scout
* Ruiter
* Horseman
* Knight
* Knight
* Upgrading: Elk niveau vergroot u uw stallen reduceert de tijd die nodig is om Golgotha trein. Voordat u kunt upgraden naar niveau 4 of 9, moet je omringen twee kanten van het gebouw met stallen niveau 1.
* Upgrading: Every level you increase your stables reduces the time needed  to train Calvary. Before you can upgrade to level 4 or 9, you need to surround two sides of the building with level 1 stables.
* Niveau 4: Hiermee opleiding van 4 Golgotha tegelijk
* Level 4: Allows training of 4 Calvary at once
* Niveau 9: Hiermee opleiding van 9 Golgotha tegelijk.
* Level 9: Allows training of 9 calvary at once.
* Een Multicell gebouw een upgrade naar een niveau 4 vereist een 2x2 of 4 cellen van de ruimte.
* A multicell building, upgrading to a level 4 will require a 2x2 or 4 cells of space.
* Opwaarderen naar niveau 9 vergt een 3x3 of 9 cellen van de ruimte.
* Upgrading to level 9 will require a 3x3 or 9 cells of space.
Workshop ==== ====
==== Workshop ====
* De workshop wordt gebruikt voor de productie van karren en belegering wapens.
* The Workshop is used for producing carts and siege weapons.
* Workshop kan produceren drie (3) soorten machines.
* Workshop can produce three (3) types of machines.
* Cart (Transfer middelen)
* Cart (Transfer resources)
* Battle Ram (Destroy muren)
* Battle Ram (Destroy walls)
* Catapult (Destroy gebouwen)
* Catapult (Destroy buildings)
* Upgrading: Elk niveau vergroot u uw werkplaats vermindert de tijd die nodig is om machines te bouwen. Voordat u kunt upgraden naar niveau 4 of 9, moet je omringen twee kanten van het gebouw met niveau 1 gebouwen.
* Upgrading: Every level you increase your workshop reduces the time needed to build machines. Before you can upgrade to level 4 or 9, you need to surround two sides of the building with level 1 buildings.
* Een Multicell gebouw een upgrade naar een niveau 4 vereist een 2x2 of 4 cellen van de ruimte.
* A multicell building, upgrading to a level 4 will require a 2x2 or 4 cells of space.
* Opwaarderen naar niveau 9 vergt een 3x3 of 9 cellen van de ruimte.
* Upgrading to level 9 will require a 3x3 or 9 cells of space.  
DEFENSE === ===
=== DEFENSE ===
Wall ==== ====
==== Wall ====
* Muren vertragen vijandelijke eenheden.
* Walls slow down enemy units.
* Daarnaast kunnen, cavalerie en belegering wapens niet voorbijgaan muren.
* In addition, cavalry and siege weapons cannot pass over walls.
* Als je soldaten plaats op een muur krijgen ze een defensieve bonus.
* If you place soldiers on a wall they gain a defensive bonus.
* Alleen rammen kan vernietigen een muur
* Only rams can destroy a wall
* Upgrading: Meer gezondheid en een grotere defensieve bonus.
*Upgrading: More health and a bigger defensive bonus.
Gates ==== ====
==== Gates ====
* Gates kan uw bondgenoten cavalerie en belegering wapens te sturen in uw stad.
* Gates allow your allies to send cavalry and siege weapons into your city.  
* Heeft 2x de gezondheid van de muren op hetzelfde niveau
* Has 2x the health of walls at the same level
* Beperkingen: Limit 5 per stad
* Restrictions: Limit 5 per city
* Upgrading: Meer gezondheid.
* Upgrading: More health.
System Alliance == ==
== Alliance System ==
Ally pact === ===
=== Ally Pact ===
* Mogelijkheid om steun elkaar.
*Ability to aid each other.
* Kan niet aanvallen steden pact lid.
*Can't attack pact member's cities.
* Wordt niet bezighouden met de bestrijding op neutraal terrein of vijand.
*Will not engage in combat on neutral or enemy grounds.
* Tijd die nodig is om pact pauze: 1 dag of wanneer aanvaard door andere pact lid.
*Time it takes to break pact: 1 day or when accepted by other pact member.
* Kosten voor het pact sturen: 0 Reputatie.
*Cost to send pact: 0 Reputation.
* Kosten voor het pact te breken: 10 Reputatie.
*Cost to break pact: 10 Reputation.
* Geen minimum reputatie die nodig is om te sturen of pact te breken.
*No minimum reputation needed to send or break pact.
=== Niet-aanvalsverdrag ===
=== Non-Aggression Pact ===
* Kan niet aanvallen steden pact lid.
*Can't attack pact member's cities.
* Wordt betrekken in de strijd op neutraal terrein of vijand.
*Will engage in combat on neutral or enemy grounds.
* Tijd die nodig is om pact pauze: 1 dag of wanneer aanvaard door andere pact lid.
*Time it takes to break pact: 1 day or when accepted by other pact member.
* Kosten voor het pact sturen: 0 Reputatie.
*Cost to send pact: 0 Reputation.
* Kosten voor het pact te breken: 10 Reputatie.
*Cost to break pact: 10 Reputation.
* Geen minimum reputatie die nodig is om te sturen of pact te breken.
*No minimum reputation needed to send or break pact.
=== Wapenstilstand pact ===
=== Truce Pact ===
* Alleen manier om oorlog te beëindigen
*Only way to end war
* Kan zich niet bezighouden met activiteiten die een oorlog tegen andere pact lid.
*Can't engage in any war activities against other pact member.
* Kan niet aanvallen steden pact lid.
*Can't attack pact member's cities.
* Tijd die nodig is om pact te breken: Zal automatisch pauze na een week. Kan niet breken handmatig.
*Time it takes to break pact: Will automatically break after one week. Can't break manually.
* Kosten voor het pact sturen: 0 Reputatie.
*Cost to send pact: 0 Reputation.
* Kosten voor het pact te breken: 0 Reputatie.
*Cost to break pact: 0 Reputation.
* Geen minimum reputatie die nodig is om te sturen of pact te breken.
*No minimum reputation needed to send or break pact.
=== Oorlog pact ===
=== War Pact===
* Mogelijkheid om katapulten te gebruiken tegen andere pact lid van andere gebouwen dan wanden met uitzondering van het kasteel te vernietigen.
*Ability to use catapults against other pact member to destroy other buildings than walls excluding castle.
* Mogelijkheid tot het vangen gemeente andere pact lid, zelfs als ze actief zijn.
*Ability to capture other pact member's town, even if they are active.
* Kosten oorlog sturen: 50 Reputatie.
*Cost to send war: 50 Reputation.
* Kosten oorlog breken: 0 Reputatie.
*Cost to break war: 0 Reputation.
* Minimale reputatie die nodig zijn om oorlog te sturen: -199 Reputatie.
*Minimum reputation needed to send war: -199 Reputation.
* Minimale reputatie die nodig zijn om oorlog te accepteren: -199 Reputatie.
*Minimum reputation needed to accept war: -199 Reputation.
=== Vassal pact ===
=== Vassal Pact ===
* Mogelijkheid om hulp te sturen naar andere pact lid.
*Ability to send aid to other pact member.  
* Mogelijkheid voor vazal tot bondgenoten Lord's als voor non-agressie pact erven
*Ability for vassal to inherit lord's allies as Non-Aggression pacts
* Vermogen om te betalen voor bescherming heer.
*Ability to pay lord for protection.
* Mogelijkheid om erven Lord's oorlog pacten.
*Ability to inherit lord's war pacts.
* Kosten voor het verzenden vazal pact: 0 Reputatie.
*Cost to send vassal pact: 0 Reputation.
* Kosten te breken vazal pact: 10 Reputatie.
*Cost to break vassal pact: 10 Reputation.
* Minimale reputatie die nodig is om te sturen vazal pact: -149 Reputatie.
*Minimum reputation needed to send vassal pact: -149 Reputation.
* Minimale reputatie die nodig is om te aanvaarden vazal pact: -149 Reputatie.
*Minimum reputation needed to accept vassal pact: -149 Reputation.
Vassal Payment Options ==== ====
==== Vassal Payment Options ====
===== Glory Point Tax =====
===== Glory Point Tax =====
* Lord ontvangt een vast bedrag van glorie punten, zelfs indien het gebruik door vazal.
*Lord receives a set amount of glory points, even if use by vassal.
* Vassal ontvangt alle glorie punten terug als pact is gebroken.
*Vassal receives all glory points back if Pact is broken.
* Glory punten is alias huurling punten.
*Glory points is A.K.A mercenary points.
===== Bibliotheek Resources (Belasting procent per elke input) =====
===== Library Resources Tax (percent per each input) =====  
* Afhankelijk van vazal de deposito's in zijn of haar bibliotheek, de Heer krijgt een bepaald percentage van die toegevoegd aan zijn of haar bibliotheek die is verwijderd van vazallen genomen totale bedrag gedoneerd aan zijn of haar bibliotheek.
*Depending on vassal deposits into his or her library, the lord gets a set percentage of that added to his or her library which is taken away from vassals total amount donated to his or her library.
===== Gold Betaling Tax =====
===== Gold Payment Tax =====
* Lord beslist over de hoeveelheid goud per dag de vazal betaalt hem of haar.
*lord decides on the amount of gold per day the vassal pays to him or her.
* Heer zal niet betaald tenzij vazal goud heeft.
*Lord will not get paid unless vassal has gold.
===== Bibliotheek middelen belasting (op timer) =====
===== Library resources tax (on timer) =====
* Zelfde als Bibliotheek Resources (Belasting procent per elke ingang) optie, maar gedurende een bepaalde tijd in plaats van onmiddellijk.
*Same as Library Resources Tax (percent per each input) option but over a set amount of time instead of instantaneous.
== Conclusie ==
== Conclusion ==
MEER INFO: Vergelijken met
MORE INFO: Compare with
* Als dit spel is nog in Beta, regels en spelen zijn onder voorbehoud
* As this game is still in Beta, rules and play are subject to change
[[Guide|[2:53:34 PM] Ray: Klik hier voor de Engelse versie or Click here to go to the English Version of this Guide]]
= [[handleiding]] =

Revision as of 22:08, 9 February 2010


Starting with the basics

City - Town

Upon entering the game, you will receive a tutorial on the top right hand corner of your browser.

Rename your City

  • Nobody likes being stuck with a strange name. Luckily, you can call your new city whatever you desire.
  • Select the Banner of City name at the top center of the screen.. A city options menu will pop-up, allowing you to rename your city.

Hire a Hero

  • Heroes are located in the castle. You are given four choices, each with different skills.
  • Before selecting your favorite hero, highlight each character to see their special abilities. Each skill has four stages to it. Every time your hero increases a level, he gains 1 point.

None (0 points), novice (1 point), expert (2 points), master (3 points)

  • Leadership –Soldiers have more health
  • Logistics –Your army gains faster movement between cities
  • Pathfinding –Your army travels faster within cities
  • Scouting -Increases Hero's sight range, at max it goes to range 4
  • Knowledge -Increases hero experience per kill and plays a role in collector efficiency
  • Defender -Increases Army defense
  • Archery -Archers, Rangers and Marksmen become stronger
  • Fighter -Foot soldiers get stronger
  • Cavalry -Cavalry become stronger
  • Ballistics -Siege weapons do more damage

a. Olive Leaf - The current level of the Hero. b. Crossing Weapons - The Hero's attack power. c. Shield - Hero's life.

Start gathering Resources

  • Resources are income you spend to build your town and improve your army
  • By improving your resource buildings you will be able to extract more resources per hour.
  • Select any resource building (sawmill, quarry, iron mine...) and on the overview tab, click “Upgrade” (green arrow) found on the top right hand corner of the menu.

Improve City Population

  • Farms supply population for upgrading buildings or creating troops.
  • Create a farm by clicking on an empty square of land and choosing the farm building. Alternatively, you may select an already existing farm and on the overview tab, click the upgrade button to increase your total population. (Represented by two golden heads on the resource bar).

Train first Troops

  • Troops are made in the Barracks or Stables (if you do not have one, click an open field and order one. You must have the necessary resources.)
  • It is your choice to either train troops now or to continue constructing buildings.
  • The bigger the army, the better!

Resist the Attacks of Marauders

  • Marauders are computerized enemies
  • You may see these marauders in the Tactical Page Map labeled as red flags.
  • Select the army you have and simply click the enemy you wish to destroy.

a. In the top right hand corner, you should see the name of your army followed by a walking animation and their time of arrival. b. In the event of a battle, it will be represented by two swords crossing each other. c. Seconds later the page should reload with the results on the bottom of the page. d. If you see no red flag, you have beaten the enemy likewise with your green flag.

Setup Coat-of-Arms

  • This is the insignia of you and your city, basically the sign you would commonly see on a shield or flag.
  • To setup your coat-of-arms, highlight your Settings tab, then click Profile.
  • This displays your current information, click on the “Change” button on the left-side Avatar.
  • On the bottom of the menu, you’ll find various coat of arms (CoA) to chose from. Select the one that best suites you.
  • To customize your own CoA, you must have at least 750 Gold Coins (refer to Gold Coins for more info). Otherwise, you may choose any of the free choices.
  • If you have Gold Coins then you may return to the Profile page, and select "Generate Personal CoA".

City - Tactics

Another view of your city, the tactical page shows your army along with ally and enemy troops.

  • Your hero is labeled as a green flag.
  • Your armies are labeled as green flags.
  • Allies are labeled as blue flags.
  • Enemies are labeled as red flags.

Each corner of the map has entry points called "Gates". This is where anyone may enter or leave your city. The circles covering each part of the map are waypoints that any army can travel to simply by selecting your army and clicking on a circle. The movement of any army will take time. The time required to move from Point A to Point B is shown in the upper right corner.

  • Fixed Squad: The purpose is to keep a specific army separate from others. Selecting the box will ensure your army does not mix with another one of your armies.
  • Formation: Set on default, you can configure your armies formation by re-ordering how your army will be setup. You may choose what type of soldiers to put into the front lines where they are the most likely to be killed. This allows some interesting strategic choices.
  • Aggression: Low (Not to attack anyone within view), Range (Attack within view but does not pursuit), High (Attack when in view/range and pursuit)
  • Attack Range: Melee (Attack within circle) - Adaptive (Attack within the army’s range or circle) - Ranged (Attack when in ranged sight of army).

Rename Army

  • You can give your armies creative names to express yourself.
  • Flag selection’s purpose is to give each army its own symbol for instant recognition.

Join Selected Army

  • Select the armies you wish to group together and click “Join Armies” Then select the group you want to expand. This makes the other group walk over to the selected Army and form as one.

Split Armies into Two

  • Splitting the army into two will separate your troops into two bands.

Select All/None

  • Selects all your troops or deselects those that are selected.

Advanced Options

  • Disband/kill selected Armies (Self-explanatory).
  • Register Armies in this city (Relocates that army's population to the city you are at)

Order Armies to leave the city

  • Before selecting your command (Aid or Attack) you must select which Army you are sending off.
  • Input the name of the Army and set their Aggression, Attack Range and Battle formation (You may select a previously saved formation or simply make a newer formation).
  • Input the coordinates of a city you wish to send your troops to. The name of the city and corresponding player name will be displayed on top of the coordinates.
  • Set the pace of your Army to reach destination (Normal sends them at a moderate speed or you have the option of paying three gold to whip your troops into a frenzy and speed their arrival time.
  • Select Aid or Attack (Aid to relieve the selected city)
  • Unemployed troops (found on the top right hand corner of your browser, displays your soldiers who are not in any campaign or not in a fixed group).

Map - Valley

Also known as the World Map, the map shows your city as well as other players around the world. Pointing your cursor over a city will display the player's name followed by their coordinates, city name and current points.

  • The Map Legend on the right side of your browser displays the status of a city to you.
  • Unflagged cities are automatically considered neutral. That means they have no alliance or aggression toward you.
  • From this view you can also selectively choose who you want as your ally, enemy etc... By selecting the city you view their profile.
  • The profile shows you their relations with other players, owned cities, rating and reputation.
  • On the right side of the profile, it gives you five options.
                 a. Send Campaign (Aid or Attack)
                 b. Private Message (PM)
                 c. Offer Ally
                 d. Declare War
                 e. Non-Aggression-Pact (NAP)

The arrows around the valley map allows you to scroll through the valley. On the bottom of the map, it gives you the Valley # and the X and Y coordinates. By inputting these coordinates, it’s possible to find a specific player.

Map - Attack

By selecting a city it is possible to send a campaign to attack or aid someone.

  • Before selecting your command (Aid or Attack) you must select which soldiers you are sending off.
  • Unemployed troops (found on the top right hand corner of your browser, displays soldiers who are not in any campaign or fixed group).
  • Input the name of the Army and set their aggression, attack range and battle formation (You may select a previously saved formation or simply make a newer formation).
  • Input the coordinates of the city you wish to send your troops to. The name of the city and player name will be displayed on top of the coordinates.
  • Set the pace your army will travel to their destination at (Selecting normal sends them at a moderate pace or you can spend 3 gold to make them run like the wind
  • Select Aid or Attack (Aid to relieve the selected city)

Politics - Messaging

  • This shows your received messages. To switch to sent messages simply click the red arrow under the AD 1100 logo. You may view vassal and ally offers by clicking on the hourglass in-between the green and red arrows.
  • On the left side of the screen you may write a new message, reply to a received message, delete some or block a sender.
  • By clicking “Mark All Messages as Read”, you eliminate the flashing unread message icon at the top of the screen.

Politics – Vassals

  • Vassals are players that pay taxes to a stronger player in return for their protection
  • You do not want to be a vassal; you should only become somebody’s vassal if you are in deep trouble.
  • To be able to have other players as your vassals you must construct a level 1 Obelisk of Glory and fill it with resources.
  • This tab allows you to view all your vassals

Settings - Profile

  • You may change your user name, email and password here
  • Its also possible to record your birthday date and change your Coat of Arms.

Settings – Settings

  • The map scrolling speed is how many boxes you wish to scroll each time you click the arrow on the valley map.
  • The update frequency is how often you wish the game to show any changes that have happened. You should lower or raise the update bar depending on your internet speed.
  • Selecting “Warriors as Transport” allows your soldiers to carry goods to fulfill your trading wishes. This allows you to make trades when your city has no carts available. Unfortunately, your warriors will be gone for as long as the trade takes.
  • The army control lag is how much time passes before you the computer ignores your previous order. If for example, the lag is set for 20 seconds, your army aggression is high and enemy troops are spotted. If you order your troops to retreat, they will follow your command for 20 seconds. Then the computer will take over and make decisions based on your army settings. In this case it is aggressive, so your troops would charge toward the enemy.
  • Graphical combat logs are merely the regular combat logs but with pictures of the troops in addition to their name.
  • To the right there are various options you can change such as army formation, subscribing for bonus features, placing your account in vacation mode and so on.

Help - Forums / Website

  • Highlight the Help tab on the upper right corner of the screen
  • By selecting Forums, it will link you to the there. You can suggest new ideas for the game, ask developers to solve any bugs you are experiencing or find out news about the game.
  • The other link will take you to the main webpage where you can find screenshots of the game and register for an account in another world.

Learning the various buildings and their roles

Basic Buildings


  • The castle is required for your settlement to operate.
  • This is also where you hire your hero and revive your hero (for free if he is your only hero. Go to the tavern to revive a paying hero for 50 gold or resurrect either free or paying hero in the temple for a cost of gold)
  • A listed view of your city's buildings and their current level will be displayed.
  • Mercenaries are found here for hire. An Obelisk of Glory is required to unlock these units.
  • In order to Terraform (clearing land to build on) you must reach an upgrade level of 6.
  • Upgrading: Decreases build time by a certain amount of percentage.
  • Upgrading your castle is required for other buildings to reach their new upgrade level.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.


  • Also required for your settlement to operate.
  • The storehouse is where all extracted resources are stored.
  • On the Resources Tab, your current flow of resources per hour and possible expenses are displayed.
  • Income(+###) is the max amount of resource collected each hour. Castle provides +10 resources for each type.
  • Expenses(-###) is the amount of each resource that is taken per hour.
  • Upgrading: Increases the max storage of extracted resources.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.


  • Built manually, the farm is required for your city to progress.
  • Farms provides population so that other buildings in your city can be supplied with workers.
  • Farms are also necessary for training troops.
  • Population numbers go down when you build, upgrade, or train warriors.
  • Upgrading: Increases population amount provided (not per hour).
  • No extra space required when upgraded.
  • Restrictions: Limit 20 per town.

Resources Extraction


  • Used for producing wood.
  • Upgrading: Increases production of wood per level. Higher amount of wood collected per hour.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.

Coal Mine

  • Used for producing coal.
  • Upgrading: Increases production of coal per level. Higher amount of coal collected per hour.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.

Iron Mine

  • Used for producing iron.
  • Upgrading: Increases production of iron per level. Higher amount of iron collected per hour.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.

Lime Oven

  • Used for producing lime.
  • Upgrading: Increases production of lime per level. Higher amount of lime collected per hour.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.


  • Used for producing stone.
  • Upgrading: Increases production of stone per level. Higher amount of stone collected per hour.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.

General structures


  • Cache is another storage unit for some of your resources.
  • Unlike the Storehouse, this building will prevent a certain amount of your resources from being robbed.
  • Upgrading: Increases capacity of resources stored in the Cache.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.

Restrictions: Limit 1 per town.


  • It basically provides extra resources storage.
  • The strongbox can be robbed just like the storehouse.
  • Upgrading: Increases the amount of resources that can be stored at any one time.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.
  • Restrictions: Limit 10 per town.


  • The Market place hosts your resources trade with outside settlements.
  • You can also receive resource support from another city that belongs to you.
  • There is a 5-1 maximum trading ratio limit. Example: You cannot trade 1 wood for more than 5 iron.
  • Carts are generally used to transport goods but under Settings there is an option to use your warriors to carry resources.
  • To place an order on the market, go to “My Orders” at the bottom of the market page. Select the resources you want and the ones you are willing to trade in return. Then hit the two arrows at the top of the page to make your order official.
  • It is also possible to exchange one type of resource for another type that you are short of by going to the exchange tab. The exchange ratio is originally 85-1, but can be reduced by upgrading your market.
  • Upgrading: Increases the amount of resources you can trade at a time and decreases the ratio for exchange.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.

Repair Squad

  • The higher this building is upgraded, the faster damage done by rams and catapults is repaired.
  • The other purpose is to construct underpasses between your various cities or possible vassals. Underpasses cut travel time between those cities by 30-50%. Before building an underpass, you must pay gold. (The amount differs depending on the distance of the tunnel)
  • Upgrading: Faster repairs for your buildings
  • No extra space required when upgraded.
  • Restrictions: Limit 3 per town.

Obelisk of Glory

  • After you build and fill the resource tab, you are allowed to accept vassals.
  • The other purpose is to get “Mercenary Points” which allow you to purchase various mercenaries to supplement your army.
  • Upgrading: Allows more mercenary points to purchase more mercenaries
  • No extra space required when upgraded.
  • Restrictions: Limit 1 per player.


  • The tavern is where you can find additional heroes to hire. (requires 50 gold to hire and a 5 gold per day fee)
  • In addition, you can easily see the total amount of troops you have spread across your cities and on campaigns.
  • It is also a requirement to upgrade your library
  • You can auction a level 5 or higher hero to receive gold if he is bought.
  • Here you can revive a additional hero for a cost of 50 gold (do not do this for your free hero, revive him in your castle). Do this soon though since your dead hero may disappear and never to be seen again.
  • Finally, you are able to purchase strong heroes that other players have put up for auction.
  • Upgrading: You may purchase a hero that’s being auctioned
  • No extra space required when upgraded.


  • The temple allows you to donate resources to improve your reputation (requires a level 5 temple to donate).
  • When your reputation becomes to low you can no longer declare war or accept vassals.
  • You can also resurrect a hero here.
  • Upgrading: Resurrect a hero with no experience loss
  • No extra space required when upgraded.

Rally Point

  • The rally point is where all your troops and siege weapons gather after they are created.
  • Upgrading: No upgrade available


  • The well adds 400 population to your town. However, there is a twist to this. The well acts as a hiding place for thieves so at random times you may receive a town message from a merchant saying the thieves stole some of his resources. All you have to do is to explore the well with your hero to get the resources back, but beware, the thieves may attack you.
  • Restrictions: Limit one per city
  • Upgrading: No upgrade available


  • File:Library.jpg
  • If you wish to own more than one city, the library is essential. By donating resources you attempt to get your knowledge level to 100%.
  • For every level you upgrade the library, the resource tax goes down 10%.
  • Upgrading: Decrease the taxation of resources you donate.
  • No extra space required when upgraded.

Library: Tax Collection

Sooner or later you will have need to perform Tax Collection. You may want to activate Vacation Mode (minimum 5 days) or unexpectedly have to be away from the game for an extended amount of time. In that case, here is a concise summary of the steps that can be taken to hopefully make use of the Game's Tax Collection features.

  • Click on the library, preferably in a city you have a hero in with Master Knowledge.
  • Click on the COLLECTOR tab


  • Note how the "Distributing to: Library Efficiency:" equals 20%


  • If you have any heros in this city, they will show up in the top window. Mouse over each of the the heros and find the one with the highest Knowledge level (None, Novice, Expert & Master is highest). Click on the hero you want collecting taxes in this city and their image will appear in the "Distributing to" window, like so:


See how, in this case, the Efficiency increased to 30%! This hero has NOVICE Knowledge! She has a better efficiency rate than having no hero or one with no Knowledge. Selecting a hero with no Knowledge is equivalent to the default 20% tax collection rate. More on this later.

  • Now choose the building you want your taxes to be distributed to: Library, Temple, Obelisk, Barracks, Stable, Workshop.


For Barracks, Stable, or Workshop: select the troop type you want created (you can only select one). For instance, in this picture the Barracks was selected


The Archer is selected in this next picture.


Notice how the icon is highlighted in red and the "Distributing to:" window tells you Archers would be created as a 20% tax rate, in this instance.

  • Now decide at what resource level you want the Taxes to begin being collected at. In this picture, it is currently set at 10000. Please NOTE! In this scenario, the lowest quantity resource must be at least above 10000 in order for taxes to start being collected.

WARNING: if you do not manage your resources (by using Marketplace Exchange, for instance) such that they are close to the same levels and start collecting taxes, it is possible to lose large amounts of resources. More on this later.

  • Once you are happy with the settings you have selected, Click on the CONFIRM button.
  • Once you LOGOUT of the server, using one of these two choices (the Logout word or keys):


Tax Collection begins assessing your settings and if all conditions are met, your taxes will begin being applied to the appropriate building at the rate indicated.

Note: If you merely close your browser window and do not logout, it will be some time before the server recognizes that you are no longer connected. Tax Collection WILL NOT start working until the server sees you are no longer logged in! I merely make note of this because, inevitably, some of you are going the test this and holler at us on the Forums an hour later saying this does not work. It may be as simple as you were never logged out and therefore, Tax Collection never started working.

Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it!

Library: Tax Collection: Extended notes

  • Optimally, if you activate Tax Collection for whatever reason, it would be wise to put as many Heros with Knowledge to work in as many cities as possible.
  • It would also be wise to activate tax collection in all your cities even though you do not employ a hero in that capacity. Twenty percent efficiency is better than throwing the resources away.
  • Additionally, you should increase the resource minimum to about 28000 (observations indicated that in certain situation it may need to be set lower) so that upon your return you have the opportunity to apply your resources at 100% efficiency.
  • The Efficiency rates of your heros with Knowledge are:

Novice = 35% Expert = 45% Master = 65% You can gain an additional 30% by being a Gold Account holder. Therefore your total tax efficiency will be 95% in each city where you have a Hero with Master Knowledge.

Military buildings


  • The Barracks is used for training your infantry.
  • Barracks consists of six (6) types of soldiers.
  • Pikeman
  • Swordsman
  • Man-at-Arms
  • Archer
  • Marksman
  • Ranger
  • Upgrading: Every level you increase your barracks reduces the time needed to train soldiers. Before you can upgrade to level 4 or 9, you need to surround two sides of the building with level 1 barracks.
  • Level 4: Allows training of 4 troops at once
  • Level 9: Allows training of 9 troops at once.
  • A multicell building, upgrading to a level 4 will require a 2x2 or 4 cells of space.
  • Upgrading to level 9 will require a 3x3 or 9 cells of space


  • The Stable is used for training your cavalry.
  • Stables consists of three (3) types of soldiers.
  • Scout
  • Horseman
  • Knight
  • Upgrading: Every level you increase your stables reduces the time needed to train Calvary. Before you can upgrade to level 4 or 9, you need to surround two sides of the building with level 1 stables.
  • Level 4: Allows training of 4 Calvary at once
  • Level 9: Allows training of 9 calvary at once.
  • A multicell building, upgrading to a level 4 will require a 2x2 or 4 cells of space.
  • Upgrading to level 9 will require a 3x3 or 9 cells of space.


  • The Workshop is used for producing carts and siege weapons.
  • Workshop can produce three (3) types of machines.
  • Cart (Transfer resources)
  • Battle Ram (Destroy walls)
  • Catapult (Destroy buildings)
  • Upgrading: Every level you increase your workshop reduces the time needed to build machines. Before you can upgrade to level 4 or 9, you need to surround two sides of the building with level 1 buildings.
  • A multicell building, upgrading to a level 4 will require a 2x2 or 4 cells of space.
  • Upgrading to level 9 will require a 3x3 or 9 cells of space.



  • Walls slow down enemy units.
  • In addition, cavalry and siege weapons cannot pass over walls.
  • If you place soldiers on a wall they gain a defensive bonus.
  • Only rams can destroy a wall
  • Upgrading: More health and a bigger defensive bonus.


  • Gates allow your allies to send cavalry and siege weapons into your city.
  • Has 2x the health of walls at the same level
  • Restrictions: Limit 5 per city
  • Upgrading: More health.

Alliance System

Ally Pact

  • Ability to aid each other.
  • Can't attack pact member's cities.
  • Will not engage in combat on neutral or enemy grounds.
  • Time it takes to break pact: 1 day or when accepted by other pact member.
  • Cost to send pact: 0 Reputation.
  • Cost to break pact: 10 Reputation.
  • No minimum reputation needed to send or break pact.

Non-Aggression Pact

  • Can't attack pact member's cities.
  • Will engage in combat on neutral or enemy grounds.
  • Time it takes to break pact: 1 day or when accepted by other pact member.
  • Cost to send pact: 0 Reputation.
  • Cost to break pact: 10 Reputation.
  • No minimum reputation needed to send or break pact.

Truce Pact

  • Only way to end war
  • Can't engage in any war activities against other pact member.
  • Can't attack pact member's cities.
  • Time it takes to break pact: Will automatically break after one week. Can't break manually.
  • Cost to send pact: 0 Reputation.
  • Cost to break pact: 0 Reputation.
  • No minimum reputation needed to send or break pact.

War Pact

  • Ability to use catapults against other pact member to destroy other buildings than walls excluding castle.
  • Ability to capture other pact member's town, even if they are active.
  • Cost to send war: 50 Reputation.
  • Cost to break war: 0 Reputation.
  • Minimum reputation needed to send war: -199 Reputation.
  • Minimum reputation needed to accept war: -199 Reputation.

Vassal Pact

  • Ability to send aid to other pact member.
  • Ability for vassal to inherit lord's allies as Non-Aggression pacts
  • Ability to pay lord for protection.
  • Ability to inherit lord's war pacts.
  • Cost to send vassal pact: 0 Reputation.
  • Cost to break vassal pact: 10 Reputation.
  • Minimum reputation needed to send vassal pact: -149 Reputation.
  • Minimum reputation needed to accept vassal pact: -149 Reputation.

Vassal Payment Options

Glory Point Tax
  • Lord receives a set amount of glory points, even if use by vassal.
  • Vassal receives all glory points back if Pact is broken.
  • Glory points is A.K.A mercenary points.
Library Resources Tax (percent per each input)
  • Depending on vassal deposits into his or her library, the lord gets a set percentage of that added to his or her library which is taken away from vassals total amount donated to his or her library.
Gold Payment Tax
  • lord decides on the amount of gold per day the vassal pays to him or her.
  • Lord will not get paid unless vassal has gold.
Library resources tax (on timer)
  • Same as Library Resources Tax (percent per each input) option but over a set amount of time instead of instantaneous.


MORE INFO: Compare with

  • As this game is still in Beta, rules and play are subject to change
