Automatic robbing

From 1100ad

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Function of automatic robbing allows to send an army to independantly rob another city. When sending an attack you should select an option "to automatically rob" and army, after it comes to the city will start looking for storehouse and then rob it. Функция автограбёжа позволяет отправить отряд самостоятельно грабить другой город. При отправке атаки необходимо будет выбрать пункт "автоматически грабить" и армия, прийдя в город, сама займётся поиском хранилища и его грабежом. После того, как армия заполнится, она самостоятельно направится к выходу и вернётся с ресурсами в ваш город.
Function of automatic robbing allows to send an army to independantly rob another city. When sending an attack you should select an option "to automatically rob" and army, after it comes to the city will start looking for storehouse and then rob it. When the army is full it will automatically move to exit point and return to your city with resources.
Автограбёж доступен только обладателям [[золотой пакет|золотого пакета]].
Automatic robbing is available only to users that own gold account.
Алгоритм автограбежа примерно таков:
Here is approximate algorithm of automatic robbing:
* Отряд проверяет, нет ли на открытой территории хранилища или кладовой? Если оно есть, отправляется к нему и начинает грабёж.
* Army is checking whether there is a storehouse or a strongbox on the open territory? If there are then army goes to it and starts robbing.
* Если хранилища не видно, отряд получает команду двигаться в произвольную точку города. После того, как армия дойдёт до этой точки, вновь происходит проверка, не обнаружено ли хранилище?
* If storehouse is not visible, army receives command to move to a random point of the city. When army comes to this point another check for storehouse is performed.
* Если во время передвижения армия замечает отряд противника, то атакует его.
* If while moving army notices enemy - it attacks him.
* После заполнения армии ресурсами, она направляется к одному из доступных выходов из города, и достигнув его, покидает город. Если армии вручную отдать приказ идти к выходу, то она так же покинет город независимо от заполненности ресурсами.
* When army is filled with resources it moves to one of available exit points of the city and after reaching one leaves the city. If army is given a manual command to move to exit point, then it leaves the city even if its not filled with resources yet.
Во время автограбежа вы можете сами менять поведение армии, отдавая ей другие приказы, чтобы быстрее найти хранилище, или покинуть город до окончания грабежа.
During automatic robbing you can change army behaviour by giving it other commands for example to help it find storehouse faster or leave the city before the robbing is finished.

Current revision as of 13:23, 30 June 2010

Function of automatic robbing allows to send an army to independantly rob another city. When sending an attack you should select an option "to automatically rob" and army, after it comes to the city will start looking for storehouse and then rob it. When the army is full it will automatically move to exit point and return to your city with resources.

Automatic robbing is available only to users that own gold account.

Here is approximate algorithm of automatic robbing:

  • Army is checking whether there is a storehouse or a strongbox on the open territory? If there are then army goes to it and starts robbing.
  • If storehouse is not visible, army receives command to move to a random point of the city. When army comes to this point another check for storehouse is performed.
  • If while moving army notices enemy - it attacks him.
  • When army is filled with resources it moves to one of available exit points of the city and after reaching one leaves the city. If army is given a manual command to move to exit point, then it leaves the city even if its not filled with resources yet.

During automatic robbing you can change army behaviour by giving it other commands for example to help it find storehouse faster or leave the city before the robbing is finished.