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Alliance - its a kind of relations that exists in the present diplomacy in the game.
After making a contract of alliance with a player you won't be able to send a campaign with attack to his city but will be able to send a campaign with an aid.
In case when two ally players meet in a neutral city there are two options to happen:
1. In case when both came to this city with an attack then they won't fight with each other.
2. If the purposes of the campaigns to a third party were different (attack and aid respectively) then allies will fight with each other.
To make a contract of alliance you should click on the nick of the player, many buttons will appear one of which is - Alliance. Pressing this button you create a letter for which you can change its effect time (till 7 days). In the letter you can enter any text and also declare conditions of the alliance. Among the condition there can be demands as well as offers of the gold and resources.
Attention: contract of alliance can't be made if before a war was declared there or a truce is concluded.
Разорвать договор о союзе можно также как и создать его, предварительно выбрав ник игрока и обнаружив соответствующую кнопку. Разрыв договора стоит 10 очков репутации. Разорвать договор о союзе можно не раньше, чем через сутки после его заключения. Отказаться от разрыва договора нельзя, можно проигнорировать это письмо и тогда союз будет расторгнут через 24 часа после создания такого письма.