FAQ/First stepsGerman

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<table width="100%"><tr><td>[[Hauptseite|<< zurück]]</td><td align=right width="*">Autor: LA1115<br/> Redakteur: LA1115</td></tr></table>
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=== Ich habe gerade mit dem Spiel angefangen. Können andere Spieler mich angreifen? ===
===Seite in Arbeit===
New player starts game with a 2 weeks protection from other players attacks. This means that none can send a helping or attack campaign to such city.
=== Ich habe gerade mit dem Spiel angefangen. Können mich andere Spieler angreifen? ===
Neue Spieler sind 2 Wochen lang vor Angriffen von anderen Spielern geschützt.
=== Was sollte ich zuerst bauen? ===
=== Was sollte ich zuerst bauen? ===
For successful city developing it is necessary to start developing resources gathering buildings as soon as possible. Build and upgrade them in the first place: Sawmill, Iron Mine, Quarry, then Coal Mine and Lime Oven.
Um eine Stadt erfolgreich weiterzuentwickeln, ist es wichtig, die Rohstoffproduktion schnellstmöglich auszubauen. Zu Beginn werden vor allem Steine und Holz zum Bau von Gebäuden gebraucht, deshalb sollte man die schneller heraufstufen als die anderen Gebäude. Eisen und Holz werden vor allem für das Training von Truppen benötigt.
:''little: I would recommend to first pay more attention to wood and stone, because these are the resources that we be more needed in the buildings, but second priority is lime, iron and coal.
Daneben brauchen Sie Bevölkerung, bauen Sie mindestens 3 Bauernhöfe und bringen Sie diese auf Stufe 3.
Iron and wood will be most needed for future army training, stone, wood and lime - for houses buildings and upgrades.
<br>Jetzt braucht man auch ein Lagerhaus (etwa Stufe 5-7), damit die Rohstoffe nicht verloren gehen. Bevor Sie sich ausloggen sollten Sie möglichst viele Bauten in Auftrag geben.
<br>Now, when the first resource gathering buildings appear, you should take care of storehouse size, so that resources you gather wouldn't be lost. Upgrade your storehouse to 5 level or even more, but not to the extent that would make you lose time on upgrading resource gathering buildings. You can put in queue storehouse upgrade and leave the game so it happens while you are away.
<br> Wenn Sie sich wieder einloggen, sollte Ihr Lagerhaus gefüllt mit Rohstoffen sein. Je höher die Stufe des Lagerhauses ist, desto mehr Rohstoffe können gespeichert werden.
<br> The next day when you turn on the game, you will have a storehouse ready and full of resources that were gathered by night or time that you were away. The bigger is your storehouse the more resources can be stored.  
=== I cannot build or upgrade anything although i have enough resources to do so ===
=== Ich kann Gebäude weder bauen noch hochstufen, obwohl ich genügend Rohstoffe habe. ===
That means you are lacking population. Besides unlimited gather of resources such as stone, iron, wood lime and coal, there is a limited resource - population and to be more precise food that go on feeding population in the city<br>
All buildings and army units require population resource for its maintainence, this is why to provide city with population it is necessary to build and upgrade farms.  
Das bedeutet, dass Ihnen Bevölkerung fehlt, genauer gesagt Nahrungsmittel, um die Bevölkerung damit zu versorgen. Alle Gebäude und Armeeeinheiten benötigen den Rohstoff '''Bevölkerung''', deshalb muss man Bauerhöfe bauen und diese hochstufen.  
=== How many and which buildings can be built in the city?===
=== Wie viele und welche Gebäude können in einer Stadt gebaut werden?===
=== What are limitation on maximal buildings levels? ===
Informationen über die verschiedenen Gebäude finden sie '''[[Gebäude|hier]]'''
Information about each building and its limitation see in the following section[[Руководство| Руководстве по игре]].
=== Wozu braucht man das Schloss? ===
=== Wozu braucht man das Schloss? ===
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Also in the castle you can hire mercenaries if your Obelisk of Glory is built, that gives you points to hire mercenaries.
Also in the castle you can hire mercenaries if your Obelisk of Glory is built, that gives you points to hire mercenaries.
=== Where do I find population expense report (where and how was the population used)? ===
=== Wo finde ich Informationen darüber, wofür meine Bevölkerung genutzt wurde? ===
In the storehouse there is a section with reports about city population expense on armies and building.
Im Lagerhaus (und in der Strongbox) gibt es u.a. Informationen über freie Bevölkerung und Bevölkerung die für Gebäude bzw. Truppen verwendet wurde.
=== I don't see how to upgrade castle, barracks, stables or workshop? ===
=== Ich kann nicht finden, wie ich Gebäude hochstufen kann? ===
Some players get lost in the interface when get on the building screen, where default sections are "Leader" or "Training". To move to upgrade screen press Overview button above.
Some players get lost in the interface when get on the building screen, where default sections are "Leader" or "Training". To move to upgrade screen press Overview button above.
=== How to upgrade barracks, stable or workshop from 3 to 4 level or from 8 to 9? I am told «Similar buildings around are required», what does that mean? ===
=== Wie kann ich Kasernen, Stallungen und Werkstätten von Stufe 3 auf 4 bzw von 8 auf 9 verbessern? Da steht «Ähnliche Gebäude darum werden benötigt». Was bedeutet dies? ===
Look in the buildings Overview tab. There is an illustration how to build similar building around to make such upgrade possible. Similar buildings around are required so that computer would understand how exactly you want to place the building. For example, to upgrade barracks from 3 level to 4, you should build near to barrack of 3 level 3 more barracks of 1 level. It doesn't matter which square you are going to upgrade, most important is that from all of the barracks would turned into building taking 2x2 squares. The same is about 9 level barracks that will take 3x3 squares.
Look in the buildings Overview tab. There is an illustration how to build similar building around to make such upgrade possible. Similar buildings around are required so that computer would understand how exactly you want to place the building. For example, to upgrade barracks from 3 level to 4, you should build near to barrack of 3 level 3 more barracks of 1 level. It doesn't matter which square you are going to upgrade, most important is that from all of the barracks would turned into building taking 2x2 squares. The same is about 9 level barracks that will take 3x3 squares.
=== I have trained a few army units or hired a hero, where do i find them and where can i manage them?  ===  
=== Ich habe Truppen ausgebildet und einen Helden angeheuert. Wo kann ich diese finden und wie kann ich diese befehligen?  ===  
To see trained army units that are in the city and to manage them, you should switch to tactical mode (on the flag "City" link "Tactics")
Um die Truppen zu sehen, die sich in einer Stadt befinden, und ihnen Befehle zu erteilen, müssen Sie in die taktische Ansicht gehen.
=== What is the difference betwen different landscapes? How can a landscape be changed? ===
=== Was ist der Unterschied zwischen den verschiedenen Landschaftsformen ? Wie kann ich diese umformen? ===
You can build your houses only on smooth surfaces - grass and sand, the only exception is mines in rock landscape and rally point, that can be put anywhere. Right now buildings built on the sand and grass don't have any difference (maybe in the future building built on the sand will be demolishing with time automatically and farms built on sand will bring less food for population).
You can build your houses only on smooth surfaces - grass and sand, the only exception is mines in rock landscape and rally point, that can be put anywhere. Right now buildings built on the sand and grass don't have any difference (maybe in the future building built on the sand will be demolishing with time automatically and farms built on sand will bring less food for population).
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To change landscape, for example, forest, you should order terraforming, to do so click on desirable not occupied by a building square and choose tab "Landscape". To success with terraforming your castle should be at least 6 level.  
To change landscape, for example, forest, you should order terraforming, to do so click on desirable not occupied by a building square and choose tab "Landscape". To success with terraforming your castle should be at least 6 level.  
=== Can i demolish and remove buildings in my city? ===
=== Kann ich Gebäude in meiner Stadt zerstören und versetzen? ===
All buildings can be demolished and removed except for castle, castle can only be removed. Removing building is a pay service, including resource gathering buildings removing. You can demolish resources gathering building on tactical purpose.<br>  
Alle Gebäude, mit Ausnahme des Schlosses, können zerstört und versetzt werden. Das Schloss kann nur versetzt werden. Gebäudeversetzung ist ein Service der Gold kostet.<br>
In the foreign city you can demolish walls and gates using Rams and Catapults, but if the war is declared then in the enemy city all buildings can be damaged except for the castle.  
In einer feindlichen Stadt kann man Mauern und Stadttore zerstören. Nach einer angenommenen Kriegserklärung können alle Gebäude - mit Ausnahme des Schlosses - zerstört werden.
=== Was bringt mir der Brunnen?  ===
=== Was bringt mir der Brunnen?  ===
The Well increases population on 400. If there is a well in the town, then periodically a quest (a task) will appear from wealthy trader, with a request to deal with thieves  that take away his resources and stay in underground catacombs, entrance to which is exactly from the Well. After investigating in the well and kill all thieves that will appear you can get reward of pretty big amount of resources.
Durch den Bau eines Brunnens können 400 mehr Bevölkerung ernährt werden. Wenn ein Brunnen vorhanden ist, bekommen Sie von Zeit zu Zeit die Aufgabe, im Brunnen nach Dieben zu suchen, die dort Rohstoffe versteckt haben. Wenn Sie den Brunnen erkunden und die Diebe töten erhalten Sie die dort versteckten Rohstoffe.
===What purpose serves Cache?===
===Wozu dient der Speicher?===
When the 2 weeks when your neighbors cant attack you are close to be over, it is the time to think about hiding some of your resources on case unexpected attack of your enemy with an order to rob your town.<br>  
Wenn die 2 Wochen vorbei sind, in denen Sie nicht angegriffen werden können, ist es Zeit darüber nachzudenken, wie man einige Rohstoffe im Falle von unerwarteten Angriffen von Feinden verbergen kann.<br>  
Cache of 20 level allows to hide 3850 units of each resource available in the city. Keep in mind that cache itself is not the same as storehouse, its onlyu function is to keep part (depending on cache level and maximum 3850) of resources stored in storehouse when it is being robbed.  
Bei einem Speicher der Stufe 20 kann man 3850 Einheiten von jedem Rohstoff verstecken. Bitte denken Sie daran, dass der Speicher nicht ein zusätzliches Lagerhaus ist. Es werden nur bis zu 3850 Rohstoffe dahin übertragen, wenn die Stadt ausgeraubt wird.
=== Taverne ===
=== Taverne ===
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Also in tavern actions take place where experianced in knowledge heroes can be bought for gold. You can buy a new hero as well as try to sell your own on the auction. Note that in case when none buys your hero it will be returned to you as dead and you will have to resurect him. Just bought hero from the auction will be free if you dont have a primary hero in the castle. Otherwise the new bought hero will have to be paid for 5 gold every day.  
Also in tavern actions take place where experianced in knowledge heroes can be bought for gold. You can buy a new hero as well as try to sell your own on the auction. Note that in case when none buys your hero it will be returned to you as dead and you will have to resurect him. Just bought hero from the auction will be free if you dont have a primary hero in the castle. Otherwise the new bought hero will have to be paid for 5 gold every day.  
=== What are the features of the Strongbox? Extra storehouse. ===
=== Was bringt mir eine Strongbox? Extra Lagerhaus. ===
Strongbox building creates extra place for 5000 of each resource on 1 level. <br>
Strongbox building creates extra place for 5000 of each resource on 1 level. <br>
First level costs 70 of gold, each next - 50 gold + resources. <br>
First level costs 70 of gold, each next - 50 gold + resources. <br>
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After demolishing strongbox, gold is not being returned.
After demolishing strongbox, gold is not being returned.
=== What are the features of Obelisk Of Glory? Or how to get vassals owned? ===
=== Was bringt mir der Obelisk? Wie komme ich zu Vasallen? ===
If you are confidently developed and feel that can protect not only yourself but also someone who is weaker, then it is time to build Obelisk of Glory. First of all, Obelisk will bring you popularity and gives so called glory points or mercenary points, using which you can hire different kind of extra army units - mercenaries. <br>
If you are confidently developed and feel that can protect not only yourself but also someone who is weaker, then it is time to build Obelisk of Glory. First of all, Obelisk will bring you popularity and gives so called glory points or mercenary points, using which you can hire different kind of extra army units - mercenaries. <br>
Secondly, Obelisk allows you to become lord and take vassals, maximal count of which depends on vassal points. Vassal points level can be increased just like level of owning cities (special points) by investing resources in according buildings. Or you can pay 400 gold and gain 1 level + 25 of gold for each vassal point you have.<br>
Secondly, Obelisk allows you to become lord and take vassals, maximal count of which depends on vassal points. Vassal points level can be increased just like level of owning cities (special points) by investing resources in according buildings. Or you can pay 400 gold and gain 1 level + 25 of gold for each vassal point you have.<br>

Current revision as of 23:13, 2 May 2013

<< zurückAutor: LA1115
Redakteur: LA1115
Zurück zu FAQ Last Edited: 2.5.2013 by LA1115


Seite in Arbeit

Ich habe gerade mit dem Spiel angefangen. Können mich andere Spieler angreifen?

Neue Spieler sind 2 Wochen lang vor Angriffen von anderen Spielern geschützt.

Was sollte ich zuerst bauen?

Um eine Stadt erfolgreich weiterzuentwickeln, ist es wichtig, die Rohstoffproduktion schnellstmöglich auszubauen. Zu Beginn werden vor allem Steine und Holz zum Bau von Gebäuden gebraucht, deshalb sollte man die schneller heraufstufen als die anderen Gebäude. Eisen und Holz werden vor allem für das Training von Truppen benötigt. Daneben brauchen Sie Bevölkerung, bauen Sie mindestens 3 Bauernhöfe und bringen Sie diese auf Stufe 3.
Jetzt braucht man auch ein Lagerhaus (etwa Stufe 5-7), damit die Rohstoffe nicht verloren gehen. Bevor Sie sich ausloggen sollten Sie möglichst viele Bauten in Auftrag geben.
Wenn Sie sich wieder einloggen, sollte Ihr Lagerhaus gefüllt mit Rohstoffen sein. Je höher die Stufe des Lagerhauses ist, desto mehr Rohstoffe können gespeichert werden.

Ich kann Gebäude weder bauen noch hochstufen, obwohl ich genügend Rohstoffe habe.

Das bedeutet, dass Ihnen Bevölkerung fehlt, genauer gesagt Nahrungsmittel, um die Bevölkerung damit zu versorgen. Alle Gebäude und Armeeeinheiten benötigen den Rohstoff Bevölkerung, deshalb muss man Bauerhöfe bauen und diese hochstufen.

Wie viele und welche Gebäude können in einer Stadt gebaut werden?

Informationen über die verschiedenen Gebäude finden sie hier

Wozu braucht man das Schloss?

Castle - is the main and the most important building in the city.
Castle level influences speed of all other building construction and upgrades. When you are upgrading after 15 level, it is desirable for castle to be as much upgraded as possible to this moment, so the time would be used optimally on the next buildings.
One free leader (hero) can be hired in the castle. Also in the castle you can watch heroes development, teach them different skills when they gain enough experiance.
In the castle you can see different information on all buildings of your town, and also navigate to the needed one from the list.
Also in the castle you can hire mercenaries if your Obelisk of Glory is built, that gives you points to hire mercenaries.

Wo finde ich Informationen darüber, wofür meine Bevölkerung genutzt wurde?

Im Lagerhaus (und in der Strongbox) gibt es u.a. Informationen über freie Bevölkerung und Bevölkerung die für Gebäude bzw. Truppen verwendet wurde.

Ich kann nicht finden, wie ich Gebäude hochstufen kann?

Some players get lost in the interface when get on the building screen, where default sections are "Leader" or "Training". To move to upgrade screen press Overview button above.

Wie kann ich Kasernen, Stallungen und Werkstätten von Stufe 3 auf 4 bzw von 8 auf 9 verbessern? Da steht «Ähnliche Gebäude darum werden benötigt». Was bedeutet dies?

Look in the buildings Overview tab. There is an illustration how to build similar building around to make such upgrade possible. Similar buildings around are required so that computer would understand how exactly you want to place the building. For example, to upgrade barracks from 3 level to 4, you should build near to barrack of 3 level 3 more barracks of 1 level. It doesn't matter which square you are going to upgrade, most important is that from all of the barracks would turned into building taking 2x2 squares. The same is about 9 level barracks that will take 3x3 squares.

Ich habe Truppen ausgebildet und einen Helden angeheuert. Wo kann ich diese finden und wie kann ich diese befehligen?

Um die Truppen zu sehen, die sich in einer Stadt befinden, und ihnen Befehle zu erteilen, müssen Sie in die taktische Ansicht gehen.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen den verschiedenen Landschaftsformen ? Wie kann ich diese umformen?

You can build your houses only on smooth surfaces - grass and sand, the only exception is mines in rock landscape and rally point, that can be put anywhere. Right now buildings built on the sand and grass don't have any difference (maybe in the future building built on the sand will be demolishing with time automatically and farms built on sand will bring less food for population).
In tactical screen mountains and woods - slow down army movements. Landscape bonuses are not implemented yet. To change landscape, for example, forest, you should order terraforming, to do so click on desirable not occupied by a building square and choose tab "Landscape". To success with terraforming your castle should be at least 6 level.

Kann ich Gebäude in meiner Stadt zerstören und versetzen?

Alle Gebäude, mit Ausnahme des Schlosses, können zerstört und versetzt werden. Das Schloss kann nur versetzt werden. Gebäudeversetzung ist ein Service der Gold kostet.
In einer feindlichen Stadt kann man Mauern und Stadttore zerstören. Nach einer angenommenen Kriegserklärung können alle Gebäude - mit Ausnahme des Schlosses - zerstört werden.

Was bringt mir der Brunnen?

Durch den Bau eines Brunnens können 400 mehr Bevölkerung ernährt werden. Wenn ein Brunnen vorhanden ist, bekommen Sie von Zeit zu Zeit die Aufgabe, im Brunnen nach Dieben zu suchen, die dort Rohstoffe versteckt haben. Wenn Sie den Brunnen erkunden und die Diebe töten erhalten Sie die dort versteckten Rohstoffe.

Wozu dient der Speicher?

Wenn die 2 Wochen vorbei sind, in denen Sie nicht angegriffen werden können, ist es Zeit darüber nachzudenken, wie man einige Rohstoffe im Falle von unerwarteten Angriffen von Feinden verbergen kann.
Bei einem Speicher der Stufe 20 kann man 3850 Einheiten von jedem Rohstoff verstecken. Bitte denken Sie daran, dass der Speicher nicht ein zusätzliches Lagerhaus ist. Es werden nur bis zu 3850 Rohstoffe dahin übertragen, wenn die Stadt ausgeraubt wird.


Tavern – is a place where you can hire extra heroes for the army of your city.
In tavern you can see the sum amount of your army units, that is now in the city and evaluate its power.
Also in tavern actions take place where experianced in knowledge heroes can be bought for gold. You can buy a new hero as well as try to sell your own on the auction. Note that in case when none buys your hero it will be returned to you as dead and you will have to resurect him. Just bought hero from the auction will be free if you dont have a primary hero in the castle. Otherwise the new bought hero will have to be paid for 5 gold every day.

Was bringt mir eine Strongbox? Extra Lagerhaus.

Strongbox building creates extra place for 5000 of each resource on 1 level.
First level costs 70 of gold, each next - 50 gold + resources.
Strongbox has 5 level, altogether - complete strongbox will store 25 000 of each resources, building expenses are 270 gold, not counting the spent resources.
You will not have to pay daily for using this building, all you invest is to build it. Strongbox can be robbed just like the storehouse. When capturing a city with strongboxes they stay at the new owners.
After demolishing strongbox, gold is not being returned.

Was bringt mir der Obelisk? Wie komme ich zu Vasallen?

If you are confidently developed and feel that can protect not only yourself but also someone who is weaker, then it is time to build Obelisk of Glory. First of all, Obelisk will bring you popularity and gives so called glory points or mercenary points, using which you can hire different kind of extra army units - mercenaries.
Secondly, Obelisk allows you to become lord and take vassals, maximal count of which depends on vassal points. Vassal points level can be increased just like level of owning cities (special points) by investing resources in according buildings. Or you can pay 400 gold and gain 1 level + 25 of gold for each vassal point you have.
So, having free vassal point, find potential vassal, who would need your protection and from his profile press button "Offer to be my vassal"...
After that you choose conditions on which you are ready to protect your new vassal. This can be either in gold, resources or mercenary points. Set time on answer in days, you can also add a personal message there, a threat for example. Send your letter to the addressee, who on his part might agree on conditions (you will receive automatic confirmation and a new vassal, to see how he pays on his conditions you can see in the section Politics->Vassals), he can also ignore your offer (you are not recieving anything in this case) or refuse (then you will get a letter about refuse)...
Becoming a lord, you can use your vassal town (but he - yours) as stations for your armies that are getting ready for war. If owning a gold packet you will be able to see to which cities of which vassal on the current moment are sent attack campaigns from other players, this way you will always be aware if your vassal is in danger.